
Mayonnaise dipping.. is it true?

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My dad always says not to dip the butter knife in the mayonnaise jar more than once after spreading it, because it will contaminate it.

could anything happen to the mayonnaise if i dip the butter knife again after spreading it on bread?




  1. If you spread it onto bread I think it will be OK.  Some people spread the mayo onto the meat and then it would be unsafe to put it back into the mayonaise.  I think basically your Dad is giving you sound advice.  Listen to Dad....

  2. I think there are worse health hazards in this world than a few microscopic pieces of bread in the mayonnaise jar.

    I've been doing it all my life and I'm still alive.

  3.   The worst thing that could possibly happen is getting bread crums into the jar, so are you telling me every time your dad tries to spread something he uses different knives for each re-application?  I don't see how it could contaminate it because the bread is not contaminated to begin with..

  4. nope it wont contaminate it. all it will do is put more mayo on your sand which.  

  5. Wash it  

  6. I have always done it and it hasnt bothered me yet.  

  7. i don't think it's any different than putting a spoon into a peanut butter jar twice.

  8. nope, dipping it more than once will not 'contaminate' it.

  9. It's not about dipping twice, but dipping after your mouth has touched the knife/spoon.  That *will* contaminate it, or anything else.  Depending on the product, the bacteria may spread slow or quickly.  Such as drinking out of the milk carton and putting it back in the fridge, then pretty soon the milk goes 'bad', that's why.

    If it just touches the bread and not your mouth or other such thing, little will happen.  Yes, there will be contamination, but there really isn't much bacteria on fresh bread, and not the same kind as you find in your mouth.

    Mayo is mostly just whipped oil, so oil it not really something bacteria love to eat.  The mayo you have to watch out for is the kind that has eggs in it, because once eggs go bad, they are basically poisonous -- and that bacteria will poison you. I always by egg-free mayo.

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