
Mayor Kwame Officially Ordered To Jail?

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Do you think he deserved to go?

I do..




  1. Unfortunately he did deserve to go to jail because he broke the law not once, not twice, but many times. Just because he was the mayor doesn't mean he cant be disciplined, that goes for celebrities too.

    You do the crime, you do the time. :)

  2. yes i do...the law is meant for everyone..i just wonder how long he will be there? celebs on the west coast go for just a few minutes

  3. Yes i do too.

    He's liar and stealer.

    He deserves to go.

  4. yes, its the first time he's done something and didn't get away with it, on channel 7 they said they kept him in a holding cell with a phone.

  5. At this point, yes. He simply should not have violated his parole... and I know Canada is right next door but he still left the country and now he has to do what any other person that violated their parole orders must do and that is spend some time in jail. I kinda feel sorry for his family (especially his sons) because he is constantly in the media and every move they make being seen 24/7 but what he did is wrong and he knew it.  

  6. h**l, YEAH!  Bond's been revoked.  Yay!  It's about time he's gotten suitably punished for his actions.  If a normal civilian tried pulling half the stuff he has, that person would find himself in jail in a matter of minutes.  Kwame's time has come, and I couldn't be happier.  Let the Feds throw the book at him.  It's time for the Mayor's Gang Rule to come to an end.  He's brought down Detroit enough.  Get him the heck out of office, and make him pay back everything he wasted.

    I just feel sorry for whoever comes in to office next.  They'll have a lot to deal with in trying to clean up the mess, and get Detroit back to rights.

  7. YES!  He blatantly ignored the law, I have no  sympathy for him.  He thinks that he is above the law. and he acts like he can do as much dirt as he wants and get away with it.  This is all over CNN and MSNBC, it doesn't make any sense.  He did it to himself, and yes he deserves to go to jail even if it is for a night maybe it'll humble him!!

  8. I've been waiting for this day for soooooo long and I'm so happy this happened to him.

  9. Yes, this is what it is going to take to control this guy and rip him out of office.  This is just another nail in the coffin for his tenure.

  10. YES.  And he should resign.

  11. yes because the judge was feed up with him and tired of his bull

    and also he didnt go when he pushed that detective into that other detective who work for the big man

    micheal cox. he needs this discipline.

  12. about time

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