
Mayor Oreja ' waiver ' to lead the PP list for European

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Mayor Oreja ' waiver ' to lead the PP list for European

 Tags: European, lead, List, Mayor, Oreja, PP, waiver



  1. PP spokesman in the European Parliament, Jaime Mayor Oreja, not the head of the party list in the European elections next May 25 and enter the application. So I told the veteran leader of the dome formation before the formation leader, Mariano Rajoy, expected to rule on the appointment of the next candidate. According to a note from the PP, it comes from a decision of former Interior Minister José MarÃ_a Aznar, agreed with the Prime Minister.

    The release of PP has clarified the chronology of contacts between the chief executive and the Mayor, but not why it has taken this determination. Sources close to European spokesman, member of the Management Committee, claimed he wanted to repeat as a candidate. In fact, that option had gained strength in recent days in a section of the party, who claimed to Rajoy a decision and gestured toward the more conservative wing of the formation. And now, this decision escenficia better than ever generational divide within the party, Mayor 's discomfort with current address, and a struggle between the two PP.

    Mayor Oreja, who has led in the last two occasions the list of PP to the European Parliament, announced on 9 January Rajoy in person at a meeting before the last National Executive Committee to head the list and not be presented with PP in the European elections. On 24 January, while the convention in Barcelona Catalonia popular Rajoy telephoned Mayor " for his decision independently and to agree, following a chat with Maria Dolores de Cospedal, secretary general of the party, to make public his resignation this celebrated week, in the case of to keep it. " So it has been. The popular leader will, in any event, chairing the Spanish delegation of training until the end of the legislature. And sources close to him say they will not leave the PP and will not therefore path Alejo Vidal- Quadras.

    "The Popular Party is very grateful to Jaime Mayor Oreja work, effort and dedication over many years in positions of great responsibility both within the Party and the Government of Spain, with exemplary performance and high efficiency in the performance of the various tasks and functions have been assigned, "said the statement from the PP. Mayor Oreja, born in 1951 in San Sebastian, has been a deputy in Congress, Interior Minister candidate Basque President and spokesman for the Popular Party since 2004, among other charges.

    The decision of Mayor Oreja occurs prior to the PP decides the configuration of your candidacy for the European Parliament dates. Mariano Rajoy has not yet communicated its decision, although a section of the party expected to do so quickly and try to transfer you to choose a "pata negra", a " veteran leader, someone from PP lifetime." The two names who have taken so far all the pools on the next candidate married to European favorite that profile within the party. Mayor Oreja discarded now, many think of the PP Agriculture Minister Miguel Arias Cañete, although this seems not to want to get on the list.

    This " waiver" is also produced in the collision between a PP sector that aligns with victims of terrorism critical of government policy with ETA and called the next day that Alejo Vidal- Quadras, Vice President of the European Parliament, one remitiese Mariano Rajoy letter in which he announced that he is leaving the PP.

    After over 30 years of militancy, the president of the Catalan PP also criticizes the government for not diagnose While the origin of the crisis and its policy against the Catalan benevolent sovereignism. The former leader of the PP record by Vox. Vox has been created specifically for PP sector, led by Santiago Abascal and José Antonio Ortega Lara, who intends to pursue a different counter-terrorism policy of the Government.

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