
Mayor of London dressed like a homeless person during closing ceremonies?

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I was watching the closing ceremony and had a number of questions and observations. The mayor of London really looked like a man who just woke up with a hangover and showed up to do something because he had too. Any reason why? Does he not own an iron, or a comb? He didn't even bother to button his jacket. Also, did it seem to anyone else that the "London" portion of the ceremonies were terribly unentertaining? Everyone was wearing grey and moving in slow motion. Is slow and sad really the tone you want to set for hosting the olympics? Why did the double decker bus turn into a moldy block of cheese? Why is Leona Lewis popular? Does she use her eyes to hypnotize people into liking her?




  1. To answer your 'questions'

    He looked like a man who just woke up with a hangover because he did indeed appear to have just woken up late for work after a long night out and just barely even made it into work, still buzzed and dazed.

    That answers your next two questions. No, he could not have had time to iron because apparently he didn't even have time to shower, as such, a simple comb through would not have helped even if he tried. Benny Hill himself would have looked more dignified and regal.

    I did find the "London" portion of the show entertaining the same way one might find a train wreck entertaining. I was embarrassed for London and perhaps that's the feeling they wanted to convey.

    Transformer bus was a good idea gone ugly. It DID in fact look like a block of moldy cheese and I have no idea why they thought that would play well on camera.

    Leona Lewis sounded like Mariah Carey who does in fact use her voice to hypnotize people into liking her....but the gaze technique only works for people who can see her eyes... I don't understand it....maybe she gets the attention of those closest to her and then the people further out are drawn in to see the hype and BAM she gives them the eye and they're stunned silly....but that's just my theory.


    olympics gets boring after 2 whole weeks...

  3. I don't know which of the questions to answer but the Mayor of London did look a bit scruffy but I don't know why.He could have taken his clothes to a Chinese laundry.

  4. Maybe he felt that bums and the homeless were under represented and was trying to give a nod to his peeps.

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