
Mayweather Question?

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Why do you think he really retired?

Is it because he knows he would've lost to Oscar like he should've in the first fight? Or because he knew that he would have to fight Cotto?

Aside from those two scenarios.. .tell me what you think




  1. I somewhat agree with Elmer on this, but the fact is that PBF didn't have to agree to a fight where his father would be training his opponent, he could've fought one of the other welterweights i think because of that fact i personally can't feel to sorry for him...........seems to me that if you are going to empathize with Floyd then you would also need to account for the fact that he put himself in that situation.   Losing the desire to compete can come from a few different things...........i don't think it's fighting DLH...........the first thing that comes to mind kinda has to tie in with Elmers answer in that there is no fun anymore for him.........I think that role of ******(to sell tickets) that he plays so well is not really him but since he played the role now everyone including myself sees the negative in whatever he does....................or he might be seeing that he will have to face the winner of the Cotto/Margo fight soon and that he doesn't have the desire to train hard enough to deal with a fighter like them...........he'd probaby be really pushed for the first time since the Castillo fight...........but let's face it, nobody really knows...........but i personally think that he's just not happy with boxing right now

  2. I used to have my own thoughts, but I think what Teddy Atlas said last night struck home.

    For us fans, boxing is abstract, and it's entertainment.  For Money Mayweather, it's real.  Not some show.  Atlas said that it's a father's job to protect his son, not train another man's son to assault his own son.

    Now folks, I know you don't give two craps about anything, we're just observors watching the drama and eating our popcorn.  But I want you to empathize with Floyd.  Picture yourself trying to accomplish something, maybe land a sweet job, maybe date a pretty girl, maybe buy a dream house, maybe start a business.  Whatever it is, it's a big endeavor to you...and your very own father is doing everything he can to make you fail.  Using his intimate knowledge of how you do things to help someone else defeat you.  And not only that, he's making a cash profit while doing it.

    And to top this off...boxing can get you killed.  It's is basically attempted murder with a gloved fist.  Floyd's daddy was going to help someone try to brutalize his son.  

    Floyd's daddy was going to help someone try to brutalize his son. (for emphasis)

    Imagine your daddy trying to get you brutalized, perhaps maimed or even worse, for some cash.  Would you go along with it?  

    These aren't just characters in a play or movie.  This is a real life drama that was about to be played out for our consumption.  When you look at Floyd's point of view, I think he pulled out so as to not be a part of the spectacle on a level so sick, it would sink the world of boxing to a new low.  And as much as you people hate Floyd, he's not going to sink that low, not for you or me or the tons of cash.

    It is a father's job to protect his son.  Atlas's words keep ringing in my ears.  He's right.

  3. Mayweather has every right to retire, but we have every right to not consider him great because of it.

    And as for the fans, we are the people that made him rich, we made him his money for paying to see him fight. So Teddy can say what he wants but when it comes down to it, without fans there wouldn't be boxing. And us fans have had to put up with allot of **** from boxing lately.

    Mayweather is retiring because he does not have the heart to continue and he never has, he calls himself Money Mayweather, he made his millions and left the sport.

    He cannot be considered great because he beat a smaller Ricky Hatton and DeLaHoya who was fighting once a year. And also when Oscar jabbed he was winning that fight, he abandoned the jab for some reason and Maywearher stole it.

    Now that there is an actual real welterweight champion, who is young and who hits very hard and is very fast Mayweather retires.

    Mayweather Sr is a crack head,Floyd knows this, he could easily have told Oscar he would not fight him if he trained with SR and took a fight with Cotto.

    He has no heart and he never has. And we the fans sit and eat our pop corn and watch, sure, but we also decide long run who is great. So if he just wants to be good then fine retire. But if he wants to be great he has to man up like the other legends did and fight the best out there and not retire at 30 years old.

    If every fighter did what Mayweather did then the sport would sink. Imagine if Leonard had of retired afting the Duran fights. If Ali had retired after losing to Frazier. If Robinson had of retired after winning the title because he had made his money. If all the fighters did that the sport would sink and Mr Teddy Atlas would be out of job and bagging groceries somewhere.

    If Mayweather stays retired he will never be menchioned in the same breath as Leonard,Duran,Robinson,Jones Jr,Ali ext.  When Cotto becomes a mega star, Mayweather will just be the slick little lightweight that ducked him.

  4. With the rise of other powerhouse boxers wanting to headhunt him, he felt threatened. afraid i might say. this is the safest time he could retire. any later and he would be called a sissy. sad though, i wanted a cotto-mayweather and a rematch with the golden boy.

  5. i think he is scared of cotto.

  6. Elmer is bang on.the media always play the tune that snr is plotting jnrs goes much much deeper than isnt just about winning a fight or breaking his perfect is a serious sport where a father and son bond should not be broken for the sake of a would senior feel if jnr was seriously injured,or worse,because he gave a fighter the key to beating him.

  7. first of all he would've spanked de la hoya again. If you actually saw the fight you know that it shoulda been a Unanimous decision. The only reason it was split cuz De La Hoya owned Golden Boy. This fight Mayweather would've dominated De La Hoya even more because he was gunna pick the gloves. Last Fight De La Hoya picked the gloves, Reyes(they are a punchers gloves so DLH would hav the advantage because Mayweather has brittle hands).

    He retired because he has nothing more to prove, he has 6 world titles in 5 different weight classes, he has the never ducked anybody. He has fought the best in the world and dominated them. The closest one was Jose Luis Castillo but then he had a rematch and beat him easily. He is not ducking cotto he is not fighting him because he is the best in the world by far.

    In my eyes he is the greatest, name me a fighter who has won 5 different weight classes and undefeated?? not only he is undefeated he has never even been knocked down, the only time he hit the floor when he took a knee because of his hand injury

  8. he is DUCKING everyone

  9. It gives him a good negotiation stance now that he's retired. The fight with Oscar would've gave a massive pay day to Oscar and not much to Mayweather, so now his stance means that if he wants to be coaxed out of retirement he will need to be paid much more than what he was originally going to be offered for the Oscar fight. If it is all about the money, he'd quite possibly set up a bigger pay day by fighting in Hatton in England than what he would against Oscar, and it may even be an easier fight. If he was to fight again against Oscar he wouldn't lose so it's not about the fear of defeat, whereas there's a good chance he could lose against Cotto - but his refusal to work with Bob Arum means that the Cotto fight is a non-starter from the off. Whether you believe it's because he doesn't want to work with Arum or that he fears Cotto is another thing.

    If you look at things from a less cynical point of view and consider that there isn't any ulterior motives and he just wants to retire, maybe it's because he's made enough money for him and his family to live a good life for the rest of their lives and he's tired of training and being punched.

  10. Floyd likes the limelight too much. He's just taking a rest. I give it 8 months to two years before he's fighting again.


    I can't stand, CAN'T STAND Mayweather, but I think that he can beat Cotto.
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