
Mc Cain has requested Obama meet with him face to face, why has Obama declined?

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Just read it on the news! I mean if there is nothing to "hide" why the negativism to a meeting??




  1. McCain needs to get as close as possible to Obama, otherwise he will not get attention from the media...Obama does not want to let McCain use him for free publicity...

    It is all a game… Don’t take it too serious…

  2. Maybe Obama thinks McCain's just trying to get his autograph because, as McCain stated: "He's the biggest Celebrity in the world".

  3. I don't blame Obama.  Since it turns out that McCain is going to throw everything he can at Obama, including the kitchen sink, I wouldn't meet with McCain either.

    h**l, even if Obama had visited the wounded soldiers in Germany, McCain was going to criticize him for it.  So no matter what decision Obama makes, they have counter criticism ready for it.

  4. Because he has two faces and didn't know which to bring!

  5. Obama is the front-runner, and would rather not give any free publicity to his opponent. He agreed to the regular schedule of debates which is all he needs and all any other candidate would do.  

  6. Obama doesn't owe McCain a meeting. They are competitors in a election. Given that McCain has decided to campaign by using Obama's every word against him, I don't blame Obama for not wanting to meet with him.  

  7. It was a calculated move on part of the McCain camp to make Obama look like someone who was not willing to talk to the American people.  The reality of the situation is that the proposal favors McCain because the talks would have been unstructured, sort of "off-the-cuff" which McCain is very comfortable in.  Obama prefers structure, he counter offered McCain to join him in two Lincoln-Douglas style debates where the talks WOULD be structured more like actual debates.  In LD debates, one side talks for an hour and a half, while the other is given a half hour rebuttal.  Of course, McCain turned down this offer as well because it doesnt suit him.  You see, either side is trying to gain an advantage over the other.  Obama is playing it safe because McCain is actually behind in the polls so McCain is hoping that Obama will slip at these townhall meetings and be able to seize on it.  Not to mention if Obama accepted it leaves open any kind of distraction, disturbance, or "plants" in the audience by either party.  It could get ugly.  However, since Obama refused, it also caters to McCain.  It's a political move and really, Obama is focusing on his own campaign and scheduled talks and letting McCain squirm until the actual debates. We'll see then which candidate stands out and who's strategy has worked out for the better.  It's going to be a tight campaign for both up to November.

  8. They will meet in the debates that have already been agreed upon by both political parties. What McCain is doing right now is issuing an empty challenge that he knows will not be met. It makes Obama look like he's scared and by your question it's obviously working. But both candidates have very strict schedules that have been hammered out well ahead of time. McCain knows this and is using it against Obama. Tricky and a little underhanded, but perfectly legitimate in tactical situations and effective.

  9. Because Obama doesn't do well without a teleprompter.

  10. Obama wants all questions to be given in advance so the answer can be approved by his staff. He has "no on his feet" answers to anything.

  11. Obama needs the teleprompter. Without it, all he can do is stammer and stutter. He doesn't want his affirmative action Harvard Law degree exposed a fraudulent.

  12. Obama doesn't actually want to discuss his policies because he's a socialist. McCain isn't the best candidate but at least some of his beliefs are American. Truthfully, McCain would look about the same as Obama which is the last thing that Obama wants. It would ruin his celebrity image.

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