
Mc Donalds 'Happy Meal' Can this Meal DAMAGE your CHILDS Health?

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I was told that a Mc Donalds Happy Meal is bad for Children, as they contain SO Much FAT. Is this TRUE?




  1. its junk food and junk food are harmful ofr health

  2. The worst thing about these happy meals is that they get the kids used to eating there.

    "Hey, Mommy has been giving me this stuff since I was two!  It must be good", Right?

    Everybody knows that habits start young, especially the marketing people for McDonalds.

  3. In moderation they're fine - as a treat for instance. Eating them everyday - obviously they're not healthy. But once occasionally they won't cause any health damage.

  4. watch this movie some time and it will make you feel differently about eating fast food

  5. everything is good in moderation not to mention you have choices now. you can get sliced apples instead of fries milk instead of pop. all of this will lower the fat. mc donalds should be a treat not a daily thing

  6. haha, yeah u should stop going to mccdonalds. try something new! and yeah it is damaginG your childs health =]

  7. Fried foods do indeed tend to contain a lot of fat. Unless it's a happy meal of grilled meat, frest fruit or veggies, and lowfat milk then it's probably far from the best option your child could eat.

    Fast food is bad for adults, why would we assume it was okay for kids (who are growing and need more/better nutrition than we do)?

  8. Of course it is - it's McDonald's. It's poison to everyone! lol...

    But, like anything else - moderation is the key. I have it once per month with period cravings.

    It's a treat, and not something that should be eaten as a regular meal.

    Take cae.

  9. yeah maby but it is really good and as long as they dont have it everyday or something i think it is fine! also it comes with milk if you choose and apples and carmel if you choose!

  10. no single meal can damage someone's health, although regular intake of unhealthy foods can certainly be hazardous..  if you get the 4 piece nugget with the apple dippers and the low fat (non-chocolate) milk that is most likely the healthiest option..  but keep in mind, the apples still have the peel removed and the nuggets are still breaded and fried..   I think letting the kids have this or something similar once or twice a month is ok..

    just try to avoid the trap of getting your kids mcd's or other junk food as a reward..  the mentality of junk food as a reward has helped to build many weight/health problems in kids and adults..

  11. Probably. McDonalds isn't that healthy. Duh

    I ate a lot at McDonalds while I was a kid and I didn't die or have any problems so it's obviously not very bad.

  12. Is the fact that fast food is not healthy really a shock?

  13. They shouldn't be eating there every day!  Once every few weeks, for a special treat, isn't going to hurt them....

  14. Try not letting your kid eat there every day. If he gets good meals at home, having McDonald's once in a while won't hurt him.

  15. Every once in a while won't do the child any harm.

    Come on :) Every child wants a happy meal.

  16. yes

    too much fat and trans fat.

  17. Anything from McDonalds is bad for you.

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