
Mc cain, US should occupy Iraq for 100 years, shouldn't the Russians occupy Georgia just as long.?

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Mc Cain here on you tube.




  1. I fail to see the parallels between a murdering, brutal dictatorship in Iraq and an elective democracy in Georgia.

    The "double standard" rule simply doesn't apply to this comparison.

    When the US leaves Iraq - and we will - Iraq will be an independent and free nation.

    I doubt we can say the same for Georgia.

  2. That 100 year comment didn't mean being in Iraq fighting and loosing hundreds of troops a year, it was talking about something similar to our current presence in Korea, Germany, and other friendly countries.  Anti-war protesters and liberals tried to turn it around and make it look like he was suggesting we stick to a hundred year bloodbath.

    If Russia stays in Georgia I can't guarantee they will be as kind to the Georgians as we are to the [law abiding] Iraqis.

    EDIT: Judging by the links you provided I can tell you don't want our answers unless we tell you what you want to hear.  Aparrently, you want to hear us agree with you and assume the US is a facist country that wants to take over the world.  If you are an American do us a favor and leave.

  3. Washington is building a global missile defence shield to try to encircle Russia, and this imperial thinking is supposed to be fine with Russia?? I wonder if the U.S would be fine with Russia establishing a missle plan in Mexico, or Canada!!! Can we say Double Standard, the U.S was so scared of Russia in Cuba that they were willing to stage operation northwoods.

  4. No  I really wish you liberals would stop comparing Iraq to Georgia they are totaly different Iraq was being ruled by a tyrant and the majority of iraqies wanted change but they were being supressed by Sadam....Iraq was a brutal dictatorship that had the capabilites and the will to get chemical and nuclear weapons......however Georgia is a demoractly elected gouverment with the support of most Georgians....stop comparing the two they are total different....

    Also we invaded Iraq to librate the people and set up a free and fair gouverment Russia is invading Georgia to annex it....

  5. they did, they annexed it last century and its been part of ussr until recent times

  6. LOL

    The two wars are completely different, with different causes and different goals. Comparing the two is juvenile.

  7. McCain never said he would leave troops in Iraq 100 years..  Liberals took it out of context (Big suprise there).  Get your lies straight!

  8. Kool Aid Drinker!

  9. No - the Iraqi's want us there until we firmly and finally maintain the peace and preclude Iran from taking it over.  The Georgians do NOT want Russia there!


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