
Mc cann a hero because he fraught in Vietnam ?

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A hero is when you defend ur country when invaders invades.

We invades Vietnam, it's wrong to call him a hero.




  1. Technically, we were assisting the South Vietnamese protect themselves from invasion from the communist North Vietnamese, so, no, we didn't invade anyone.

      But simply fighting in a war does not make one a hero, except under the most loose of definitions of hero. What would classify McCain as a hero is his actions as a prisoner of war. While he, like other prisoners, broke under torture, he and they continued to resist as long as they were able to. He refused early release and leaving his fellow soldiers behind. He and they worked to communicate and maintain their military chain of command and discipline. He withstood abuse that might well have killed him, and remained true to his oath to serve.

       So yes, he is a hero. I don't think that's enough reason to vote for him, but it is enough to disagree respectfully with him and not demean or scoff at him.

  2. he is a hero

  3. He also spent 5 years imprisoned in the jungle , not sure you could do it . Being able to survive as a captive of the enemy and always fearing whether you will be alive today and being able to say all your marbles are right there . It's just not any one can boast about . I am not sure I would vote for him because of his age , but I give him credit as it's not first time he running for President of the US . The man has definitely a good characther , integrity and strenght which much more then most American man in general . He is definetely in the top 2 % of the population . Yes the US did invade Vietman and as most would say the US had no business there , but just think where you would be if the US wasn't fighting for democracy . Is he a hero of course he is .

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