
Mc or implantation bleeding?

by  |  earlier

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someone who is pretty knowlegable about mc and implantation bleeding please answer. I am nearly 1wk late, tested (+) after 4(Sat) and 5(Sun) days late. I have been having occassional mild cramping off and on since being late and this afternoon I noticed some light pink on my pad and when I wiped a light pinkish color. Could this be implantation bleeding or early mc. I had a mc in March and d/c that same week, i was 11-12wks along at that time. I have since had two regular on time periods since the mc. I pray it's not another mc!!:(




  1. It's impossible to tell. Usually, however, implantation bleeding happens before tests come back pos. Sometimes women do spot though, so don't worry too much just yet. I hope for the best for you.

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