
McCain, Biden and now Palin all have more experience than Obama. So why vote Obama?

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McCain, Biden and now Palin all have more experience than Obama. So why vote Obama?




  1. Apparently his supporters feel that his "celebrity" status qualifies him to be President.

    The fact is, Obama's time as a Senator has been an utter failure. For all his talk of change, he has nothing to bring about change. He has followed party line and the status quo.

    Its pathetic that everyone else in this race has more experience than Obama.

  2. I won't..

  3. Please explain how Palin has more experience than Obama.

    And if you say 'more executive experience' then back it up.  Explain how being the govenor of freaking Alaska (population 400) amounts to anything.

    Explain how Palin compares to Obama's academic experience

    Explain how she compares to his federal government experience

    Answer - she doesn't

  4. Why give the Republicans another four years?  Haven't the last eight years been a disaster?

  5. I've seen a lot of questions talk about 'experience'... but I'm not so sure experience in what.  Would you tell me one previous president that had a 'successful' presidency where this 'experience' was abundant _before_ inauguration?  

    For myself, a bit of a dreamer and a visionary is a good thing.  

  6. Here's why Obama:

    First lets get one thing straight: Biden is on the Obama ticket. McCain is insisting on continuing the failed policies of George Idiot Bush. McCain voted with the idiot Bush 90% of the time. That indicates that  he truly believes that Bush has all the right ideas, and if that's the case he is going to follow in his footsteps which is going to result in more lost jobs, foreclosures and the continuation of the Iraq war. Obama on the other hand has shown that he has the foresight and knowledge to choose the best option. He opposed the war from the beginning because he knew it would distract from the search for Bin Laden, and that it would further tarnish the U.S image in the middle east and create more enemies. He has the knowledge to know that war should be reserved as the last option and that diplomacy must always come first. He also laid his plans for improving the health care system. He also realizes that its the middle class and not the corporations that deserve tax breaks. by giving families tax breaks he is giving the money to spend on essentials like housing, car, education, health care.... What does McCain offer? FOUR MORE YEARS OF THE LAST EIGHT YEARS.

  7. In what universe does Palin have more experience than Obama?  Oh right, in partisan bizarro world lol.

  8. LOL, go read the news, Palin does not have more experience than Obama, unless you count the beauty pageant.  That argument is now gone for the pubs.

  9. even senator Biden said Obama is NOT qualified!

  10. Are you serious? Experience must be the biggest thing you look at....Bush has more experience than Obama...I imagine you would seriously vote for him over Obama.

    I think a principal in a school in downtown chicago for 1 year would have more experience than a 2 year Governor in Alaska......also I might add experience in what?

    HOLY....Mistykat said besides...Obama sounds like Osama....LMAO that really means something

  11. No reason in my mind.

  12. Who knows why anyone is voting for Obama.  

  13. because he is better then MCcain =)  simple and easy  

  14. Alaska is a long way from Washington DC  

  15. Obama is a JOKE.

  16. McCain, Bush, Cheney all raked in money from the war, but the regular americans got owned along the way

    Why vote for McCain then?

    and Palin has experience? 1.5 year of experience is nothing

  17. You blew it by putting Palin in there. She has been gov of Alaska for 2 yrs. Before that she was in local politics, so does not have more experience.  

  18. Palin has more experience?     I never knew being president as of your PTA counted for experience?

  19. there is no reason to its just sad the McCain VP will have more experience than the Demos president nominee

  20. I wont be. And Palin having kids has nothing to do with how she will run things, I think shes proven that here in Alaska.

  21. There's NO reason at all to vote for Obama.

    So I'm NOT.

    Democrats for McCain !!!

  22. What have all the 'experienced' politicians done for us?  I think that's kinda the point.

  23. I wouldn't.  Besides, Obama sounds exactly like Osama....  And he says he wants "change".  WHAT does he want to change?  You can't change everything about a country, ya know.

    And honestly, how many of the voters personally know someone in the army?  All you guys are hearing is what the biased Democratic news stations are spiting out at you.  I live in Germany in an Army community.  80% of the kids at my school have parents deployed.  You guys have no clue what they feel like.  Besides that, do you actually think terrorist groups are just going to let us go in peace??  They are going to take over those countries all over again and bomb the heck out of America.  And it will be all because you're all too cowardly to stand up to terrorism in other countries.  It's not going to help if we leave all the places alone.  It will be the next World War.  

    Wow that sounded so depressing and apocalyptical xD.

  24. She doesn't have time to be VP, she has too many kids!!

  25. Do you actually count being the Governor of Alaska as experience?  

    I'll take my chances with Obama and Biden.  Then I'll take my chances with Hillary in 2016.

  26. i think u should vote obama because mccain is selfish and hes only gonna make the poor poorer

  27. Because he's so COOOOL!

    Plus, people don't want to be wrong and they mistakenly think McCain is like Bush. Psh, they hate each other.

  28. Because you want to turn the United States into France?

  29. How does Palin have more experience?  2 years as governor does not trump a decade as a legislator.  Alaska is one of the most isolated states.  I don't think Palin will be able to apply much of what she has 'experienced' in the national arena.

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