
McCain's 100 year war.. are you going to sign up?

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If McCain gets elected and starts a war with Iran, will all the republicans that voted for him sign up to go fight his war?

Actually, I would prefer a draft. Everyone, even females, that vote for John McCain should be put into a draft pool. If he starts a war, everyone that voted for him should be immediately signed up to ship off to battle.

How does that sound Republican voters?




  1. McCain did his time already. What have you done for your country except take advantage of freedom of speech?

    He said last night he hates war and doesn't want war.

    I haven't done anything special, but then I am not the one railing that senior citizens, women etc should be put forced into combat.

  2. I agree with you Martian, and id even go one step further; how about if we also insist Republicans adhere to their Abstinence policy so we can eventually be rid of them altogether? I do admit though that Palin looks pretty hot in that bikini picture on the internet ---too bad she also talks because thats when i start feeling sick.

    PS: Anyone notice that the global markets crashed as soon as the RNC convention started? The only possible conclusion is that the world is worried about a McCain/Palin presidency....

    Once Obama is elected, I am just going to be on pins and needles until `America is destroyed' as one of your previous knucklehead (oops I mean conservative) posters claimed. I wonder if they also believe in the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny?

    Go Obama!! Party like a Barackstar!!  

  3. WE  will only declare war on them if they attack us

    we can't get by with just "TALKING: .. ... . that's not enough. the terroists want our free country destroyed, and THEY will stop at nothing to make it happen

    all the liberties we hold most dear will be taken away if Obama becomes president he has said himself that the way to deal with terrorists is to "TALK" with idea.

    He will raise taxes...

    JOHN MCCAIN IS A REAL HERO! He is the one who REALLY sacrificed for his country. The Democrats can't say that for their candidate

    .and for the people saying that Palin has no experience,

    Palin was governor of Alaska for 2 years! She made many decisions about energy, taxes, bills, etc, every day!... Obama was only a JR. Senator...... he didn't make any decisions like that at all!

    Palin has WAY MORE experience than Obama, AND SHE'S NOT EVEN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!

  4. If it keeps this country free and my kids safe you d**n right i'm ready to sign up..You a d**n coward???


    I think that would mean taking responsibility for what people voted for to start with!!!

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