
McCain's V.P. Pick Is Not The Problem?

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McCain's judgement is what's in question here

And as for Mrs Palin if she was really smart she wouldn't allow herself to be thrown into the lion's den with only a couple of months to prepare for it and this is what we want for the country at least Obama has had more than 2 months to make his case.what do you think ?




  1. Who has the judgment issues with racist, terrorist criminal associates. Not McCain. You cannot compete on judgment or experience, and you know it. Not even a nice try.

  2. Mc Cain made a good decision. It is the liberals and the token one that has a problem with this.

    oabma has NO experience, all he wants to do is raise taxes, give everyone everything and be daddy to America.

    We do not need a daddy.

    If you are so unhappy here leave America and go live in russia, they have a dictator, and obama is loved there. So go.

    As far as I am concerned obama is a racist socialist and an America hater along with that thing he calls a wife.

    What a stupid "N" he is.

  3. Interesting point.  I agree this is terrible judgment and I happen to think that's a problem.

    This undermines all his "country first" rethoric.

    McCain is willing to risk having that unqualified lady become commander in chief in these troubled times just to win a few votes. Can anyone seriously argue she'll be ready on day one if that should be necessary?

    Is that country first? Risking the future of America's children to pick up some female voters? What an insult to the intelligence of the good American people

  4. Another sexist lib, who dont think women are smart enough for high office. It was perfect she was a great choice, the timing took the attention away from the DNC convention, What was not smart was Obama attacking her before he even knew anything about her.

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