
McCain's VP's husband works for an oil co. Is this true?

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McCain's mother is an oil heiress & now his VP is connected to oil. Do republicans still think they are going to share the wealth with them? They are laughing at you.




  1. He is or was working for B.P. I see the right wing haters are already attacking you for asking a question.

  2. OMG  This is hilarious.

    YES, her husband works for an oil company.  He is a project manager on the North Slope.  He is NOT an exec.  

    He's a blue collar worker.

    Wow. to be grasping for straws means you're very worried.

    Also, Alaskan citizens get a yearly rebate over a thousand dollars toward the price of gas.

    Know where that comes from?

    Oil company revenue.

    Know who fought for it and passed it?

    The next VP of the US.

    Keep trying.  

  3. She's just salivating to dig all over the great state of Alaska.  

  4. Are you incapable of doing a thorough search?

    Todd Palin is a production operator. There is a big difference between a production operator and an oil executive. He's a blue-collar worker, a little guy.

    People are grasping at straws here. Finding someone who works in the oil industry in Alaska is about as difficult as finding someone who works in the auto industry in Michigan.

    He has about as much influence over big oil companies as you and I do.

    Sarah Palin has fought against big oil companies and it has been very beneficial to Alaska.

    She is not a popular person to big oil companies.


    Junkman, right wing haters aren't attacking her for asking a question they are attacking her for pretending to ask a question when really all she wants to do is make trumped up claims that have no basis in fact. Whether or not you like Palin is not the issue. Any intelligent person can do a simple but thorough search and find out anything and everything they need to know about this woman and her family yet they feel their time is better spent making ridiculous claims in order to I don't know...vindicate their decision or get an ego boost because some people agree with them.

  5. Yes, The oil corporations have been placing their employees into political positions for a long time now. But unfortunately for them it's all coming out into the open now.

    Say goodnight Gracie, McCain is finished.

  6. He is a partime blue collar peon worker for BP. So what? At least he works and isn't a lazy Democrat free loader.

  7. I agree with you completely. Her husband works for an oil company. In addition she is a former Pat Buchanan supporter, ant- choice, creationist, and under investigation for firing her brother in law as a policeman due to a marital spat. Oh, I just learned that she's been endorsed by the corrupt Alaska Senator wwho is on trial right now.

  8. this will impress them even more: pro-life, creationist, and an oil company w***e

    - this is their dream candidate

  9. Republicans don't share.


    You might enjoy this one though, I wonder how drunk she was?

  10. Wow, where do you guys get your information. You are so misguided.

    Todd Palin worked for BP oil for 18 years, but quit his position when his wife, then Governor of Alaska, began negotiations with BP for the natural gas pipeline being put in. He quit to prevent a conflict of interest.

    Neither Sarah nor Todd Palin has any investment in oil. Sheesh!

  11. You lefties need to look at your mother Russia when it comes to oil. They are the 2nd largest oil producing country in the world. 2nd only to the Saudis. Totally self reliant for their oil needs. Maybe we should follow the example of your beloved communist Russia and instead of trying to destoy the oil companies and all who are involved with them, maybe we should drill for more of our own.  

  12. I'm sure he did. He lives in ALASKA! He is also an Eskimo and union member. What's your point.

  13. It appears he does quite a few things.

    Nancy Pelosi has invested in Boone Pickens wind farm venture and is blocking any action for drilling, is that a conflict of interest?  Nevermind, I forgot it was okay if you were a Democrat.

  14. That's correct. The Republican ticket is owned by big oil even more than the Bush administration was and this pick only confirms that shocking reality.

    "He's a little guy". Sure the $1,394,033 dollars big oil pumped into the McCain camapign, more than any other candidate recived,  is probably just a little donation too. Are these people for real?

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