
McCain's VP pick had a big effect on the polls?

by Guest67004  |  earlier

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But, not in his favor.

McCain: 42%

Obama: 50%

Gallup Poll:

Did John McCain make a huge mistake by picking Sarah Palin?




  1. That is the Bump from the DNC - it takes 3 days to cycle.

    However, McCain raise $7million bucks in the first three days after Palin joined the ticket.

    So I think that THAT is your answer.

  2. Al Gore, John Kerry,Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis all had larger leads at this point

    Remember any of those Presidents?

    Me neither

  3. Of course he did, he's only known her for 15 mins.

  4. Yes, picking her was a mistake for a number of reasons.

    However if you are an Obama supporter, dont take too much comfort in those poll numbers. Thats not a big bounce after the Democratic convention.

  5. Of course it has an effect.  He picked a woman CURRENTLY under investigation for abuse of power.  She is more of the same, just like McCain has become.  It's an insult to the American people that McCain picked someone under investigation right now.  

  6. McCain has a great pick in Palin. If the country doesn't see that then so be it but I believe they will still win by 20% come Nov.

  7. CNN 08/29 - 08/31  927  RV 49 48 Obama +1

    It all dependent on who is being polled..... at this point it's irrelevant...

    Undecided - Independent

  8. That's amazing. That is a combo convention bounce, 10% increase in Hilliary supporters going to Obama and Palin Problem.\

    It's clear now that McCain is not qualified to be president.

  9. Probably, but McCain may still get a bounce from the convention.  We will know better in about 4 or 5 days.

    Burke, you are lying.  Dukakis was already behind at this point in the 1988 election.  Mondale was already way behind as well in 1984.

  10. The poll covered the three days that concluded yesterday.  Most of the people who were subject to the poll didn't even know about the Palin scandal at the time the Gallup organization asked them for whom they would vote.

    So the consequences for McCain could be even worse than what appears in these numbers.

  11. The latest news and bad news for Obama is that his bump you are seeing from the DNC is actually less than they had hoped for and was expecting. Its actually a smaller rise than any recent democrat has had coming out of their convention........a telling sign?

  12. It's hard to say whether it was a mistake yet or not, it's only been a few days. The spike in the polls is due the convention last week. After the Republican convention this week, McCain will move up a bit. Happens every election.

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