
McCain's VP pick in my opinion was 50% desperation, 40% political, and 10% governmental?

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Its sad that the Republican party (McCain) was so desperate for media attention that they've thrown the dice with America's future. McCain is a TOTAL hypocrite for choosing an 'inexperienced' VP who he barely knows yet he wants America to trust this candidate and his decision..Is this who you want as our President? WHY? WHY NOT?




  1. I think it was 45% desperation and 10% Rush Limbaugh bullying.  Which will add up to a 100% victory for Obama in November.

  2. 100% victory , 100% genius. 100% scares the Dems :)  

  3. I'd say 100% desperation but I love seeing all the idiots who were shouting about Obama's "inexperience" all of a sudden jump on the Palin band wagon and say she is such a perfect choice. I bet they all had to wikipedia her name to find out about her because she is so unknown. The die hards are a funny group, one person actually noted the fact that she fishes and hunts moose as one of the reasons they think she's a great choice. LOL! Well I guess that will come in handy the next time we are attacked by moose, she'll know exactly what to do!  

  4. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion even if it is corrupt and incorrect . You need to research her she has done more good in her short time with Alaska then Obama has done in his entire carrier anywhere

  5. 100% victory.  Great choice.

    Palin will be president in 2012.

    By the way, only voters can throw the dice as you say.  Do you think Americans do that?  I don't think so.

    She's moral, a talented female, a great mom, a great executive, she's a mover, she makes things happen, she is a mom of downs syndrome baby, her son is in the army, her husband is a union member, she was point guard on a state champ basketball team, etc.

  6. who cares 'why'?  point is, she's a great candidate.  she's everything Obama tries to make people believe he is - an 'outsider who is going to take on big oil blah blah blah'

    news flash!  Sarah already has 'taking on big oil' in her resume.  she's cleaned up corruption and waste in the state.

  7. 100% stupid.  He is sunk now.

  8. Nah! it's 60% strategy and 40% stupidity.

  9. I truly think that McCain did not make this decision.  The Republicans were broadsided with Obama's choice of VP and hit with an uppercut by Obama's speech.  You don't want to elect an unknown who is heartbeat away from the presidency.

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