
McCain's Vice President Pick?

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I know it's Palin, but who is she? What did she do that was so significant or that makes her capable of leading a country if McCain becomes president and dies?




  1. Check out this site. She admits that she does not know what the VP does!

    She has been the mayor of a town less than 10K and won the governorship of a sparely populated state because she ran against a corrupt incumbent. For Godsakes, she has BA in journalism.

    At least Obama has a Harvard education, experience organizing communities, taught politics and has been a state senator and a US Senator.

    I bet Biden knows what the VP job entails..!

  2. I think it is her true Conservative values.  All the rest will fall into place.

  3. she is unknown! this is a game changer for obama!

  4. he made a bad choice

  5. Keep watching.  The McCain machine will do everything they can to let the voters understand how she ticks, what she knows, and what kind of person she is.  Just take the time to watch and listen.

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