
McCain's campaign manager suggested that issues are not important in this election, only personality?

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Is this an insult to the intelligence of the American people?


Are the American people really that shallow, soulless and stupid?




  1. Of course he doesn't think issues are important, because he knows that McCain can't win an honest debate about the major issues facing America. Instead, they are waging a psychological war, by trying to fake out women voters into buying into Sarah Palin, and persuade undecided voters that Obama is a commie.  

  2. Well at least now they have some sort of platform.

  3. Political science 101: American people are really that shallow. Most will vote for the person that has charisma.  

  4. Maybe he has been reading some of the c**p posted  on this site

  5. OMG!

    That is the ultimate insult.

    He is saying gas prices are not important.

    Jobs are not important.

    Security is not important.

    Everything is unimportant except how likeable McCain and Palin is.

    Republicans, even you have to agree, that is NOT the way to run a campaign.

    This is on top of how poorly Palin was vetted.

    McCain is not the right person for the job.

  6. Its an absolute insult. Never mind the mess this country is in, McCain and staff want this election to be another American Idol. So much for 'Country First'. All they care about is winning...same as Bush

  7. Oh man that is funny. The GOP the cult of personality.

  8. Cite some sources, please.  And your use of the word "suggested" means that you interpreted what the C.M. said as to mean the issues aren't relevant.  This smacks of political bias on your part.

  9. Yeah, its because they WANT it to be that way because they know they cant win if they just keep it angry. Yeah, I definately feel insulted about this and think Obama should hammer him on this even more.

  10. I'm always amazed that Obama will take something this silly and obviously untrue and preach it to his supporters as if they are stupid enough to believe it.

  11. Seems like that was the case in 2000 and 2004.

    If this holds out this year, you can add to the list that they never learn from their mistakes either.

  12. Republicans are... there motto is win at all cost,.

  13. all the more reason to vote Nader .

  14. I believe he was stating that the obama campaign is approaching it that way. Obama has yet to tell us what his relationship with william ayers was. How about attending a church where they spew anti-american rhetoric regularly, and he stays in the church for over 20 years. What kind of deal did he get from Rezko? he wants to say that mccain couldnt remember how many houses he had when he was actually not sure because some of the houses werent his. atleast according to  the prenuptial agreement.He just happened to get 300,000.00 off of the asking price when Rezko got involved

  15. That may be true, but I can't believe he actually said it.

    And it doesn't really bode well for his candidate, does it.

  16. I think it is an insult. The issues are very important. People are acting as if this is a popularity contest.  

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