
McCain's choice for vice president if things didnt look bad before how do you feel now?

by Guest64633  |  earlier

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I feel very sorry for McCain and even more sorry about his choice. This woman over shadows McCain and will surely put her foot in her mouth very soon. A "hockey mom" is not exactly the credentials for vice presidency. I pray Obama wins as he will restore the country to his previous stature.




  1. Barack Obama had something else put in his mouth and it was'nt his foot.  Ask Larry Sinclair.

  2. oh I think someone is feeling threatened! You know it --- we all know it! Palin only helps McCain.

  3. If McCain was in his 50s or early 60s, I'd be afraid of Palin. Since McCain will be mid-72 if sworn in, its downright scary!!

  4. Do you know she has more experience than Obama?

  5. Tell me about it... I guess they know they are going to lose and so the voted her in so they could blame the loss on her... who knows all I could say is that this has become a big circus..

  6. I promise to

    1. Put Mooseburgers on every American menu

    2. Make hunting and fishing part of the high school graduation requirements

    3. Ensure you carry your baby full-term no matter what. I did it.

    4. Send your daughters to the front line along with your sons for a very long time

    and finally

    5. Cover D.C. with ice so my husband has transportation.

    This I SWEAR to you.

  7. The slim chance McSame had of winning is now dashed by his VP "token" women.

  8.   You tout a man with no credentials for president.  That's rich.  And Obama chose a Washington insider for VP.  You've been bamboozled.

  9. Go to your town hall meetings, don't believe Republican hype.  Observe and vote.

    The real Republicans are as appalled as you are.

    The mouthpieces on Y/A are propagandists.

  10. I think it is the best thing to happen to the GOP, with hopes that this extreme anti abortionist and control freak choice will end up kicking the GOP so far into the next century because of the shellacking they'll get in November, that they are forced to deal with the fear mongers, control freaks, Neocons, etc that they clean house and get back to somewhere in the middle, instead of being a party of radical ultra conservative values.

    How is that for a run on sentence that speaks way too much truth?




  11. I'm sure McCain appreciates your sympathy...maybe I'll try to get him to send you a Thank You card from the White House.

  12. Biden puts his foot in his mouth constantly ... doesn't that matter?

    Here are few of his stupid comments:

    "you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."

    "I mean, you've got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a story-book, man,"

    Joe Biden said in an interview with the paper Wednesday that Washington's high minority population is one of the reasons for the city's education problems.Explaining why schools in Iowa are performing better than those in Washington, D.C., Biden told the Post, "There's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with."

    If putting your foot in your mouth is criteria for being a good vice pres then Biden has vast experience.

  13. I think the far left voter block in this country has grossly overestimated their numbers. Once again, the democrats have nominated a man who is so far left, he's bordering on socialism.

    Moderate democrats are going to vote for McCain.

  14. you just said it all HIS previous stature, Obama does not have the tough stuff to be president , if he did by some miracle get elected, and i sure dont think he will, i think america would be in real big trouble!  and i was in favor of his choice of Romney, but after i checked out her credentials i was really impressed with her! sorry but i feel just fine about her. any woman that has 5 kids and can run a state and still finds time to be a wife, and hunts moose, i dont think i would wanna take her on!

  15. McCain rushed her forward.  In time, she might be great.

    I'm pretty sure she's the only person to mention President of the PTA in their acceptance speech for their VP nomination.

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