
McCain's choice for vp had polarized this country even more than Bush managed. ?

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That proves to me he's not fit to lead a extrodinarily diiverse nation.




  1. The Bush administration seems farrrr worse than the McCain campaign. I like John McCain, but I do not think he understands certain necessities that require something like diversification, like you said.

  2. I have no problem with the fact that she is a woman.  My problem is that he ignored more qualified women for this particular one.  It is insulting and I hope it backfires.

  3. Polarized what? How silly is this left wing liberal spin.

    McCain Gov Palin will win over the two stooges from the left

  4. Obama is the one polarizing by promising to take money from the rich and giving it to the poor.

    Democrats only concern about Palin is that Obama is going to lose.

  5. I agree.  I think he would have been better off if he picked Urkel to be his running mate!

    At least Urkel is famous!

  6. Well the Republican party is not the party of diversity its the party of old white protestants. Those are the majority of people who vote. If all the other people voted the republicans would get destroyed.

  7. Oh stop the whining will you.  It is still a free country and that means free for all, not just free when the left likes your ideas.

  8. I think he's just trying to get Democrats who were voting for Hillary.  Also, one of McCain's biggest points against Obama is his "inexperience."  However, Palin was just elected the governor of Alaska and before she only served one term as a mayor of a town of about 8,000.  Does that sound like experience to you?  

    Why the thumbs down?

  9. McCain is simply pandering to the Hillary Democrats.  the intelligent ones will not be fooled.

    Those who believe a woman does NOT have the "right to choose" SHOULD vote for McCain/Pa.. (whatever her name is).

    McCain "believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned."

    McCain believes a woman does NOT have the right to decide whether to have an abortion!

    Vote Republican if you believe that a woman should NOT be permitted to make her own decision about whether to have a baby!


  10. I don't think the country could be more polarized than under Bush. I think what McCain's choice for VP will do is put more people into the Democrat side of the equation. If McCain thought Palin would make Hillary voters vote for him, he's sadly mistaken. I think they view his choice as pure pandering.  

  11. You libs are really scared of this woman.  Pity, you will never elect a woman for the highest office.  

    Actually, she has unified our party.  And the base will work harder than ever to get McCain elected.

  12. If by polarized you mean electrified and united then I agree. If not then I recommend for you to come back here to the real world

  13. You will be thrilled to know that you are wrong, my dear.

  14. By selecting a rebellious reformer who cares more about good government with common sense and values, McCain has offered to bring "real" change to Washington, not just promises.  

  15. First, nobody could polarize this country more than Bush Co (aka Karl Rove) managed to do by pretending to be on the Christian agenda.  Secondly, McCain's pick is the sign of a desperate man willing to pull any gimmick out of the hat to score points with the electorate.  I don't think anyone is taking his VP pick seriously.  

  16. Exactly.

    Picking someone whos qualifications are: journalism major/tv anchor/Beauty pageant contestant/mayor of whoville to be a 72 year old heartbeat away from the oval office is reckless and wildly irresponsible.

    At 72, McCain is actually likely to die during his first term (75 is male life expectancy). Having this gun totin barbie doll be that close to being leader of the free world is absolutely insane.

    I truly believe the Republicans have lost their minds.

  17. Explain how it has polarized? There have always been Feminists, pro-life, pro-chocie and women haters. Her selection has nothing to do with any of that unless you want to STIR UP TROUBLE, which, apparently you do. Look beyond the kool aid.

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