
McCain's choice of Palin (whom he's met once or twice) as V.P., what is the best approach?

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I kind of agree with this assessment:

"...They have to be extremely careful with how they approach her. I imagine there must be great temptation on the Obama camp’s part to simply run roughshod over this newcomer and treat her as though she were the new Dan Quayle. But, but, but: if Biden comes off as a smarmy and condescending d-bag during the veep debate, it could turn off a lot of women voters. This is not to say they’ll all switch en masse to St. BBQ, mind you — in this sort of ratf*ck operation, the goal is to dampen enthusiasm and depress opposition turnout.

So the smart move here would be to largely ignore her and focus the attention on McCain. Vice-presidential picks, although they generate a lot of media hype, do not end up deciding presidential races. If you have to mention Palin in a line of attack, don’t make the focus about her, make it about McCain — i.e., he only met her once twice before making her his vice-presidential pick (and seriously, my mind is still reeling about this… what the h**l, man)..."

What do you think?

EDIT: As I got a a preview of this question for submission, the suggested category from Yahoo! Answers was "Singles and Dating." Wtf? lol




  1. Well they haven't been ignoring her.

    Consider the source: a left wing blog.

  2. You must be a hard left winger.  You include a hard left wing link.

    The fact of the matter is - SARAH PALIN IS MORE QUALIFIED THAN OBAMA.

    Palin has been a town mayor.

    Palin has been and is a Governor.

    Palin has taken on the established " ole boy network "

    Palin has done the one thing that Obama only talks about - instituted change in government.

    McCain / Palin  ' 08

    Palin  ' 12

    Palin  ' 16

    Sarah Palin will be the first woman elected to the White House ( as VP )

    Sarah Palin will be the first Woman President.

    OBAMA has showed his disregard and prejudice against competent women in government by ignoring Hillary as his running mate.

    OBAMA has shown that he is NOT FOR CHANGE when he chooses a running mate who is a 36 year Washington establishment participant.

    OBAMA did a real estate deal with a crook.




    SAVE AMERICA - vote McCain / Palin  ' 08

  3. Keep pointing out that there was almost no vetting by this candidate by McCain, despite what his handlers are bleating, and that the selection of her to appeal to a few disgruntled Clinton supporters, and their strange bed-fellows, namely gun-loving bible-thumpers who want to ram their own personal religious beliefs down everyone else's  throat , was probably not really even McCain's choice the first place...

    John McCain has sold his soul, in case you didn't know already:

    McCain Hires GOP Operative Who Helped Smear Him in South Carolina in 2000

  4. Have you never met someone and formed a conclusion about them almost immediately.

    I have and quite often the first impression is true.

    Maybe it is because I'm an old guy like McCain, but I could do it even as a young man. This is one of the reasons I managed to live through several years in the jungles of Nam.

    I like what I read about Palin.

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