
McCain's man said we are a country of whiners and there really isn't a recession. Is he nuts?

by Guest58414  |  earlier

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Who else is stuggling as much as we are? I know I've talked to some-most of them with full-time jobs, and they are struggling to put gas in the car to get to their jobs.

Right now, after moving here for my husband's new job (since he was driving so far for his other one that was temporary) we have two slices of bread in the house, no milk, a few canned goods, and some frozen vegis.

My husband is working for a newspaper but isn't getting nearly enough for today's economy. I am disabled but working part time-for all of $6.50/hour. Although we have 3 kids we cannot get food stamps, or any other assistance. My van's transmission went out and the 1984 car we are driving has bad brakes and no brake lights we just realized. We are using some pliers for a blinker. We still haven't gotten our stimulus money but we are so behind it won't help much. Maybe we can at least repair the one car.

I am looking for a higher paying job, and hoping my health will hold.

Anyone else in this shape?




  1. May God Bless You. He already has, with three children.

    There are many churches who would be willing to help you. Help is out there somewhere, if you need it.

  2. Phil Gram is a Swiss Banker.. he'll still be driving his Lambo when we've begun killing each other for food.

    Apparently, Bush and McCain think that drilling for oil will change "the psychology" of the American People... which basically reiterates the idea that we're all just a bunch of whiners going through a "mental recession"

    I'd like to black-bag Gram and take his sorry *** down 7th Avenue.... see if all those boarded up houses are 'just in my head'.

  3. Yes, he's nuts.  People aren't whining.  They're parroting what the media tells them.

  4. Someone who has plenty in his bank balance does not realise what it is like for someone with nothing at all in their pockets.  I've been where you are, and they were difficult years.  If you can hang in there, it does get better.  You're in a new address.  Find out from your community welfare officer or local public health nurse what help there might be available, and local churches may have something up and running which will help too.  Email me via YA if you need somene to talk to that understands.

    Good luck!!

  5. Why don't you get a higher paying job?  $6.50 is probably minimum wage.  I think, if you search, you could probably find $8.00/hour.  I don't know if it does get better.  You have to keep looking for a better job and hopefully you will find one.

  6. We've been robbed by criminals like McCain, Clinton and Obama.  They have destroyed the purchasing power of the dollar.

  7. Thank goodness for guys like that; they guarantee the GOP defeat. "Google Trends" say that Hillary gets the same number of hits as McGoo; and she's not even in the race. I'm retired and bush has 1/2 the buying power of my SS check.

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