
McCain's speech at the RNC - Nielsen ratings?

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"McCain's tally was believed to be the biggest commercial TV audience ever for a single night of a U.S. political convention, Nielsen said."

So much for all of the Obama supporters' rhetoric.

Your thoughts?




  1. What was the estimated number of people who watched that speech or should I say stayed awake?  Sen Obama had an estimated 38 million people watch his.  Gov. Palin had an estimated 37 million. What about McCain? Hum...  Oh yeah, I tried to watch but fell asleep twice.  So I guess you can count me under the "half a Nielsen rating" category.

  2. Yes, the Nielsen ratings for John McCain's speech were higher than the Nielsen rating's for Obama's speech.

    I would say that does not look good for Barack Obama.

    It makes it appear even more likely that John McCain will win the general election this fall.

  3. get your head out of the sand.  Democrats and Liberals watched too.  they aren't closed minded like you guys.  That gave McCain half his audience.  If you had to rely just on Republicans it wouldn't have been near that number.

  4. American Idol gets higher ratings.  How about let's make the winner of American Idol president?

  5. as i said in another post tv viewing figures mean nothing apart from that someone has a tv channel on. i guarentee you at least 20% of the viewers wont be voting another 10% probably just had the tv on and were not actually watchnig and another lot will be democrat or independent supporters. so please dont think tv viewing figures actually mean anything

  6. Nielsen Media Research said a record 38.9 million TV viewers watched McCain accept the Republican nomination on Thursday, slightly more Barack Obama who had about 38.4 million.

    Keep in mind that a lot of voters (many undecided) are watching to compare BOTH candidates and see how they came across and to help them decide who to vote for.

    It's probly the case that after seeing Barack Obama's speech many of those viewers (Democrats and Independents) in addition to Republicans, would be curious to hear about John McCain's (plan) and compare his with Obama's, but also judge his acceptance speech performance with Obama's.

    Neilson Ratings are not necessarily a voter estimate of which candidate is favored, just a viewership estimate. It should also be noted that several channels broadcast McCain's speech.

    As far as ratings records...actually the Beijing Olympics attracted the most viewers, 4.7 BILLION or roughly 70% of Earth's population, from Aug. 8-24 2008, making it the most-watched Games ever, according to data released by Nielsen Media Research.


  7. I think we saw history in the making!

    I loved it!

  8. I watched that speech, does that make me a McCain supporter now? How could I say it was the worst I've ever seen for example or that I would have preferred to go to the dentist without anesthesia next time instead of listening to McCain's incoherent rambling for much longer, just another example, how could I ever make all those accurate observations if I hadn't even bothered to look?

    Of course a lot of folks watched, that says nothing about their opinion one way or the other.

    Know your enemy is a golden rule of progressives everywhere.

    The little, insignificant really, difference in ratings could also be the result of more Obama supporters watching online like I did myself because his fanbase is younger on average. Those numbers are still not included in the ratings

  9. A. what rhetoric?

    B. I watched it... I know many Dems (that aren't voting for McCain) that watched it...

    I think people just wanted to see what he had to say...

    I bet a lot of Republicans didn't even bother with Obama...

    C. how much did he beat Obama by?

  10. It doesn't surprise me at all. Palin's speech had almost as much as Obama's. Let's get to the debates!

    God Bless America and Her People!

    God Bless Our Brave Troops!

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    Country First!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

  11. how could anyone sit through that babbling?  i turned it off about 5 minutes in to it.  he needs to take some of cindy-hag's money and get some teeth whitening done.

  12. Neilsen ratings? ARE YOU F'iNG KIDDING ME

  13. No stadium needed! Lets all now wait for the bounce!

  14. I honestly don't believe that many people could have even stayed awake during that long boring speech.  

  15. advertisers don't lie, they put their money where the viewers are.

  16. I watched McCain's speech NOT because I like him (I don't), but to see if he actually has a plan -- He does NOT!

    McCain still does NOT have a plan that will actually "help" America.

    Saying "I'm a war hero" and "America First" -- is NOT a plan.

    Ripping off (stealing) Obama's popular idea and campaign word ("Change") shows McCain does not have a plan of his own.

    Making hypocritical jabs (about Obama raising taxes) while McCain pledges to continue a muliti-billion dollar draining so called "war" -- shows he is out of his mind, really desperate AND still has no plan that will help Americans.

    Talking about or rolling out the VP "Beauty Queen" with her "special children" as a distraction for applause -- is NOT a plan -- that will help Americans either.

    I did agree with one thing during his speech, the protester with the sign that said, "You Can't Win an Occupation" that's right, we are NOT at "War" folks -- only Congress can declare war -- and they NEVER did!

    And guess what -- Vietnam was an "Occupation" too, NOT an officially declared "War" -- How can you be a "War Hero" when there was no actual declared war? Great myth-propaganda Mr. McCain.

    Republicans need a more helpful motto like "American Republicans Need to Get Educated First" because it seems you got "left behind" in math, history, civics, knowing the legal definition of war and the correct way to spell America and McCain on your hand-made convention signs.

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