
McCain's speech is kind of off?

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Im a big time McCain/Palin supporter. McCain's speech though seems kind of off. Like hes saying things that he shouldnt be saying. What do you think?




  1. im not and mcain supporter but the speech going on at the moment seems like hes makeing promises that he can't keep. hes also makeing up alot of stuff about democrats

  2. All hes doing is repeating the same stuff over and over...

    Hello Im John McCain and im a pow!

  3. i thought his speech was great and so was palin's! i think they are really good together!

    McCain 08

  4. I'm an independant and I like McCain...except for the fact that I'm g*y and it's really hard being a g*y Republican! I don't think that McCain speaks with the same conviction as Obama...or at least it just doesn't come across that way...he doesn't have the same ease with public speaking...oratory skills...he may be a little out of it. I like what he is saying about smaller government, less spending, reaching across party lines and working together, allowing people to invest their own money (as a financial advisor I know how crappy social security is as a retirement trust and what an injustice it has done to everyone) how the Republican party DID feed into the corruption of Washington and how he wants to end that....he's saying mostly the right stuff. You have to admire the guy for all that he has been through! I think he might alienate some people though because some teachers will wonder whether or not he means to eliminate them (uhh...there are problematic teachers but I'm a friend and a relative to many experienced, good teachers and they blame educational failure on the parents, lack of discipline, and an inability to enforce rules). ...He also spoke about battling labor unions...I get that, but a lot of conservatives still do work for/with unions.

  5. not really, they have to go over so much in such a short amount of time

  6. He is supporting Bush. What the h**l?  

  7. and??? you want him as our next main man in office??

    h**l NO...

    8 is definitely enuf...

  8. Did you watch the entire speech before you posted this.? The last ten minutes were riveting!

    McCain/Palin '08 ----------for Massive Job-Growth.

  9. i could not stomach it i had to turn up the volume of my sony cd walkman then change the channel

  10. Well I really think that Palin is a great example for women all over the country, and maybe even world, and McCain is a great guy too. But I'm not into them. Akamaru for president 08!!

  11. are you one who looks into the future.

    It's not even over yet,

    Big time supoorter. I think not

  12. I think it is adequate.. I will vote for McCain.. because I am scared of Obama making us a socialist country.

  13. LOL, "kind of"?!

  14. He looks out of it, his eyes keep watering. And he keeps stuttering, hope he's okay.

  15. I think he is not saying "my friends" enough.

  16. I'm Obama/Biden but I really wanted to give McCain a chance... and you are completely right.. I don't really get it?? And he is totally lying about everything Obama has said.

  17. It's a perfect speech.

  18. McCain's going down!!!!


    lol. Hiiii Yama:]

    Well... yeah, where was I? ohh yeah...


    Maybe he seems "off" because he is realizing how close he is to losing. I feel kinda bad for the guy, with all of the celebrities voting and supporting Obama, he barely stands a chance.

    I know that most people are gonna be like "I don't follow celebs," but lets face it; half of the country is gonna copy what all the celebs have been saying is the latest trend. I, on the other hand, and many others practice individualism; gimme my ballot and tell Obama he's in!!! :]

    Just as long as he makes better laws supporting the LGBT community.


    And btw, Obama wasn't suspected of being a fraud!

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