
McCain...Are you Serious?!!!?

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Am I the only one sitting here at home wating for him to hold a press conference and say SIKE! and announce his real VP Pick?....or did he seriously just hand O'Biden the election...thoughts?




  1. Perhaps he does not want to be President after all.


  2. I hear you dude.  The biggest wtf moment of these here elections!

  3. I agree.  I'm betting when Obama and Biden heard his pick they did a little dance.

    We says Obama is too inexperienced, then selects a running mate with absolutely no experience in national politics.

    Obviously he's after the voters who are disgruntled that Hilary didn't get her parties nomination.  Most of them wanted Hilary and only Hilary.  I doubt she'll swing many voters to McCain.

    It probably doesn't help him any that she's currently under investigation.

  4. What are giong to do when nobama looses ? You going to RIOT ? Gonna burn down DETROIT ?

  5. I'm with you for SEVERAL reasons. One of McCain's biggest things on Obama is "He is too young to run this country", little missy is a little younger then Obama. 2nd, he's attacking Obama's "celebrity status", and miss thang over there was just shakin her goodies in Vogue mag??! 3rd, "Obama doesn't have the experience to run a country", SHE has only been a gov. since  december of 2006, Obama has been a senator since 2004... Good one McCain!

    Are we the only American's who find this sad??

  6. We will see.  I have a sneaky suspicion that you are out of touch with middle America and therefore probably not the best judge of what they think.

  7. lol. We've been going at this all day. I'm in complete agreement with you, bro. (^_^)

  8. Haha I completely agree. He made it way too easy for us Obama supporters.  

  9. I was really expecting it to be Romney. McCain didn't seem the type to actually pick a woman. Though it's a gaggingly obvious play for votes.

    At least Obama thought it over and picked someone who will have value after the elections.

  10. Right, because a committed conservative with the highest approval rating of any governor is SUCH a terrible choice.  Admit it, Obama worshippers, you're shaking in your shoes!

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