
McCain = Bush ... Palin = far-right, fundie extremist. How can anyone support that Frankenstein ticket?

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Honestly, it's a horrible political monster.




  1. you look at it and think that, but they are actually people who agree with these extremist views.

  2. In theory I believe the media has created a political frenzy to establish ratings and sell commercial airtime. In essence; American voters are frustrated with the Bush Administration for the last eight years and McBush and the Unknown wont do. Obama/Biden will win by a landslide in November. McLame once again has proven bad judgment in the lack of vetting the Unknown.  

  3. Easy ... they are a LOT better than the FAR LEFT !!

    AND ... Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama!!


  4. I guess your a supporter of the baby killing, pot smoking, g*y marrying, Christian bashing, open border, big tax,  bad America Democratic party.

  5. I have no idea...  

  6. "I guess your a supporter of the baby killing, pot smoking, g*y marrying, Christian bashing, open border Democratic party"


    I'm a supporter of more pregnancy awareness to prevent unwanted pregnancies, pot smoking? since when is Obama for it?

    Love is love, just because you won't let them get married doesn't mean they will STOP being g*y. Christian bashing? WOW.

    Democratic party? YES

  7. They look like cultists.

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