
McCain Commercial I dont Get???Can someone elaberate?

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There is a recent mccain commercial that blames obama for rising gas prices. But im not sure how obama can be blamed when he hasnt been in office yet?




  1. The objective is to try and tag Obama with high gas prices because he voted against Alaskan/off-shore oil drilling

    What it fails to state is that having more oil in itself doesn't lower gas that much, you need the ability to refine it, which the nation hasn't upgraded in 20 years.

    It also fails to state that some people arn't willing to risk damagin a fractured enviorment to save a buck, some people would jsut rather pursue options that would reduce the NEED for oil rather than the cost, which still saves a buck when you think about it

  2. The president doesn't regulate gas prices.  Did you know that Obama is a senator.  You might try looking to the house rather than the president for the problems with our economy since they are the ones in control of those things.

  3. blacks like to drive old gas guzzling cars, like 20 year old Cadillacs, since obama is black it must be his fault.

  4. Dirty tricks

    Must be getting worryed.

    That is getting LOW.

    He does not say he blames him.

    There is a picture of Obama that is flashed on screen

    long enough to see who it is.

  5. Because the Democrats in Congress are refusing to even discuss, much less vote, on drilling in America.   We have as much oil under the rocky mountains as they have in all of Saudi Arabia, and we have more on the Continental Shelf, and in ANWR there are wells already drilled by the navy so they would just have to put the derricks up and we'd have oil in about 3 months from them.

    The Democrats are lying to the public saying it would be 10 years before there would be appreciable oil.

    They have refused to do this for the last 8 years, and if Clinton had not vetoed drilling in ANWR 10 years ago, we'd have our own oil now.

  6. I've seen that ridiculous ad.  How stupid do they think we are?

    Wait.....we're not stupid......THEY are.

  7. ok what else does he blame him for i guess whatever happens obama did it hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  8. Don't think he's being blamed for them...that would be ridiculous, and I don't think McCain would do that.  Could it just be your interpretation, maybe?

    Do you have a link for this should really provide one, to back up what you say.

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