
McCain Elects Sarah??

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Please Give me a summary of what happened?




  1. what happened is the old man want some one that would say Yes to him at all time and doesn't make him look bad  when they are together.

    He met her once that it she inexperience, young .He picked he..

    Look Mc cain just like any 73 old man he don't want any one to tell him he want to tell .

  2. Well, in a nut shell he secretly selected Sarah Palin, who has less than 18 months of experience "in office" and with her office - it's Alaska!!!!

    She does have quite a bit of backing from the republican party though. She fights for political views, and she is smart.  She also finger points unethical practices in the government offices.

    A lot of people were surprised at his selection.  There are really mixed feelings - she's in her early 40's which makes up for his age, she's female, and basically they are trying to pull in the evangelicals, and women voters.

    Could really hurt him or really increase his chances.

  3. McCain put his desire to win the election over the good of the country.

    He actually wantd Lieberman, but the GOP threatened to boycott the RNC.

    So he went with a pro-lifer that he only met twice (briefly) to cater to the GOP constituency.  

  4. McCain made a wise choice.  The Obama supporters only wish that their candidate had stood along his "change"  chant and selected the most qualified person he could have gotten--Hillary.  His ego would not allow it, so he threw her to the side, went for the guy that received 9000 votes during the primaries, and is what Obama is supposedly against--"old Washington politics".  Obama and Hillary together would have been unstoppable.   ***

  5. McCain deep down does not want to be president, this is the only possible reason

  6. McCain threw away the election.

  7. Mccain chose the hottest governor in the nation as his running mate and he only met her once before making this choice.  Was he thinking for the reason of getting elected or because she is one hot lady

  8. He announced his running mate.

    Do a search on google or go to the major news sites.. its all over them

  9. McCain was drunk and picked Sarah Palin.

  10. He's only met her once before, she looks like she wants to run far away from him.

  11. in one of their brilliant political moves, the darth vader party told mc cain to choose sarah to play the equal opportunity card, to avoid people from looking at them as the middle age white man only party, since people are paying so much attention to gender and race in this election. Doing this also gets women who are angry at Barack's vp election to vote for the mc cain ticket based on the gender issue, many of them lost interest on the elections but now mc cain wants to toss a line-and-hook at them.
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