
McCain- For Global Warming, Palin- No such thing? wth?

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The VP and the old crook are at odds with each other. His whole platform is supposed to be environmentalism at the RNC on monday. He distances himself from Bush by saying he is more of an environmentalist and that he is working to reverse the effects. All the while his new VP is not convinced and thinks Global Warming is all in the head and that it's not man-made. She refused to put polar bears on the endangered list. Basically she thinks the planet is A-Ok!

What the h**l was McCain smoking? That's one of his biggest issues that helps him distance himself from Bush. That's how he set himself apart from other Republicans and then he picks uber-conservative, anti-environmentalist, caribou-killing woman? So she basically doesn't care about the future of every mothers kids including her own children.

Why would he open himself to such crazy attacks from the left? McCain just wants to loose and sold his soul to the radical right!




  1. Well wrong again but for a liberal that's not surprising, you all never believe the truth any way.

  2. I originally liked Ron Paul, but now would vote McCain

    I checked Palin's stance on the envt and yes i really regret that she thinks global waming is NOT man related.

    She is good looking but not green

    A tough dilemma

  3. I heard about this its what disgusts me. hopefully people will take a serious look at whats at stake and will vote on policy's AND NOT on physical characteristics

    Obama 08

  4. I don't really think the governor can put anything on an endangered list. I'm pretty sure that has to pass through congress. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

  5. New NASA research proves Al Gore's movie is wrong. (Temperature measurements fell for decades while CO2 was increasing. Something else is driving climate change. Most likely it is the sun or it is cosmic radiation.)

    1998 was not the hottest year on record. It was hotter in the 1930's.

    There was faster global warming thousands of years ago.

    NASA website: "Rapid changes between ice ages and warm periods (called interglacials) are recorded in the Greenland ice sheet. Occurring over ONE OR TWO DECADES [10 or 20 years] , the warming of the Earth at the end of the last ice age happened much faster than the rate of change of the Earth’s orbit."

  6. I don't think attacks based on gorebull warming from the democrats will make much headway. Not when there are more serious and pressing issues on Americans minds, then a 1 degree change in temp in 50 years.  

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