
McCain Just Shock The h**l Out Of Us. A Con As VP ? I Want Her As VP & As President Someday. Why Don`t You?

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Do some research first...and then tell me why this overachieving woman could not lead our country.




  1. Yup, looking forward to a cat fight in 2012. Hillary against Palin

  2. I've done my research, she's good.

  3. Alaska has as many people as Austin, Texas. She's just a local-yokel. You could be famous in your little small town, but that wouldn't make you ready for prime time. It's not New York, Chicago or Los Angeles. It's not a big state like California or Texas. what would you have thought if Obama had nominated the governor of Hawaii? The governor there is a woman. I think that she's more qualified than the governor of Alaska.

    Her name is Linda Lingle. Please go the Hawaii site. Read her biography. She's much more qualified.

  4. I did the research.... I love her! I was hopping for Mitt Romney but I am very pleased. I think she is great and she has 9 years more experience than Obama and unlike the Dem. ticket she has executive experience. McCain - Palin all the way!

  5. Shes only been governor for 20 MONTHS!? Seriously? And of Alaska. Who goes to Alaska?! She has five kids, and one with down-syndrome. How can someone with all of that be VP of the United States? She is Anti-Abortion for EVERYTHING ! Even if it means the mother has to die or someone is raped. What kind of sense is that !? That is the most rudest thing I've ever heard in my life. We don't need a VP probably president since McCain is so dang on old & doesn't think right!;


  6. There is a quote from Palin where she states that she's not aware of what's going on in Iran, but she hopes there is a plan to get out one day.  

    That sounds more like George Bush, doesn't it?

  7. Because she believes that if my mother were raped, she should have the baby! I usually don't even concern myself with abortion issues, but this Palin is ridiculously radical!

  8. I don't give a monkeys what her biography is. Republicans invariably wreck things, bankrupt the economy and start wars. They're also a seat for mediaeval morals (with hypocrisy) and religious fundamentalism.

    I'd vote for a monkey if he was the democratic candidate.

  9. If people research what she has done for Alaska they won't have an argument against her.  I wish she could run for President now.  She is better than any one who is running.  

  10. Because she got her passport two weeks ago.

  11. McCain is joking right? He's not? OMG....!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I see no reason whatsoever.  I can see the parallels in her with Ronald Reagan and believe me, I am ready for more of that.

    True, he served 2 full terms as California's governor, but the experience and values run the same in quality.  Like Reagan, she isn't afraid of anyone!

    I am so ready to see her as VP and President.

  13. She would make a great economic president but a terrible military president.  

    I would not vote for anyone who thinks we should establish presence in iraq for 100 years.

  14. I'm with Micheel s

    Catfight 2012

  15. If John McCain passed away, I really wouldn't feel safe with her  as president (she is so inexperienced in politics and not experienced at all in the big-time) . But some people will vote for them just because she's a woman (which is sexist if you think about it)

  16. THIS IS WHO I WAS HOPING HE WAS PICKING AS VP. I would vote for her in a heartbeat as PRESIDENT.  but for now i'll just have to settle for her been Vice President. their just mad because they don't have the "CHANGE" card anymore. Their mad becuase she's way more than qualifed to lead. their talking about inexperience and when they don't have that they talk abou the Population of Alaska.

    McCain/Palin 08

  17. I have to say that I was ready to change my vote from McCain if he didn't pick Romney.... but since he picked Palin I did a bit of research on her since I saw her name on McCain's women choices earlier this year... And I also have to say that she has a ton of potential.... She is strong enough to rumble with the big wigs of washington and she won't let big oil get the best of us citizens...

    As far as laws such as Roe v. Wade... I highly doubt she will overturn it... Even though she is conservative she seems to have a good head and enough sense to realize that there needs to be some type of compromise when it comes to these issues...

  18. Way too fundamental for me.  I want a president who will support equal rights for all people, who will keep creationism in  sunday school, who will support some regulation of guns.  Personally I like guns and am a good shot but I don't think anyone should be able to walk into a store and buy a bunch of them with no background check.

    I also want someone who will actively work to protect the environment.  It is the only one we have and it would be nice to leave it clean for our children.

  19. This women is pro-life and this gives the right leverage to change laws such roe vs wade. It may be a good pick but is it good for women. With Hillary you would have gotten a women who could have expanded women's rights not bring them to a stand still. Palin has achieved much however is she willing to push beyond that class ceiling?

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