
McCain/Lieberman 2008? It's a winner!?

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By selecting former Democrat Joe Lieberman as his VP choice, wouldn't John McCain show America that he was actually interested in having a truly bi-partisan administration? I think this ticket would win BIG TIME, where putting a rich flip-flopper like Romney on the ticket would give the Dems fodder for days on end, & ultimately go down like the Titanic.




  1. anyone with McCain is a winner Lieberman would be great

  2. McCain/Daddy Yankee 08!!!

  3. No....a definite LOSER.

    By the way, LIEberman is NOT a Democrat by any means.

    No way, no how, no McCain.

  4. Most conservatives would stay home on election day.  Gosh..  why didn't Obama consider, say, a Huckabee in the spirit of bipartisanship?  I never heard that discussed.

  5. Well, I still wouldn't vote for them.

  6. McCain/Palin (of Alaska)

  7. Interesting take, but Lieberman, a Senator from the most liberal state in the union, would not get the Conservative fan base out to vote in November.

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