
McCain & Obama thoughts?

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I was looking for an excuse to vote for McCain. I did like his independent view and I am not very liberal but...he is scaring the heck out of me. At very least Obama seems to use his brain, McCain is reckless and flys by the seat of his pants. McCain sings bomb Iran? Pick Palin (the anti Hillary)..This has the makings of a C grade science fiction film ala escape from New York. Your thoughts?




  1. McCain sucks....

  2. I wish I could give you an unbiased response.  I am totally against almost everything that Obama stands for (I've read his entire website).  I also, on the other hand, disagree with some of the things McCain stands for.  Because of how strongly I disagree with Obama, I will vote for the lesser of the two evils. :)

    EDIT- Obama promises that the government will pay for this and pay for that.  People, we've gotta put our heads in gear.  The government gets its money from you and me.

  3. Definitely Obama!! McCain is a regular Republican - which means businesses as usual. McCain will destroy a great country even more if he becomes president. He wants to keep us in Iraq and drill for oil. Obama is honest and wants everything just like everything should be. You can vote whatever you want, but I'm going Obama!

  4. Any1 pro war is an idiot, honestly I think the government planned 4 Bush 2 be such a failor so people would want such a change & vote 4 Obama. Do we really want another white elderly Republican, blah! I like that Obamas real, that he said 2 HS students yea I did drugs b4 so what it was a mistake & look at me now, thats awesome how could any1 turn that in2 a negative against him. The whole "acting white" thing is 4 show of course he needs 2 appeal 2 every1 but I think hes best bet :) Mccain is pro war yet anti abortion, okayyyy?

  5. personally.. i think they both suck, and that the U.S is gonna be screwed no matter what.

    but i too will vote the lesser of the 2 evils and vote for McCain

  6. Well, if you're anything like me, you vote to keep Obama and people of his "ilk" (no, I don't mean "black", I mean "liberal") out of the White House at all costs.  McCain isn't the "answer" either, but he's head and shoulders over this liberal.

    If you're really looking for an excuse, #1 would be the appointment of Supreme Court Justices. Do you want g*y marriage legalized? Do you want clemency for illegal aliens? Do you want wholesale releases of the criminals in our prisons? Do you believe in reparations for black America? Do you support legal discrimination against white workers and students?

    These are some of the things that liberal judges will attempt to force upon this nation if they attain a majority on the court.

  7. I'm British so my say doesn't count but, the American president is key in major issues around the world and i don't think McCain will always make the better choice.

    I can see the George Bush disaster striking all over again

  8. I prefer Obama. McCain scares me as well =\

  9. I agree. I was on the fence. I like McCain, he is a war hero, he seems to be a Republican-light, and for the most part I have voted republican. I am however, a bit disenchanted with the Republican party - they have really jacked up our country. After McCains VP pick though I am definately going to vote for Barack Obama for the sole fact that I believe a man who has come from nothing, worked for what he has, does not live that extravagant a lifestyle even though he can afford to is more likely to relate to the real middle class. The Middle class is the bread and butter of this country and we are hurting. Obama is intelligent, well educated, has dedicated his life thus far to helping his community, educating youth, serving his state. He is energetic and appears to garner respect form people of all walks of life. If I have to go with a green candidate I am going with the Obama camp. McCain is old, and I think it would be a very bad thing if moose eating, journalism major, mayor of a town of 6500, Ms Congeniality were running this country.

    More: I will also add, that abortion and g*y marriage are not issues I care about right now. They do not impact me on a daily basis, when it costs $400 a month to keep your car in gas when a year and a half ago it used to cost $120 that is a big issue. When you can't afford to start a family because your monthly gas expense is equivalent to what you would need to spend on day care, that is an issue. When you are spending $50 - $100 more a week on the same groceries you bought 6 months ago that is an issue. When unemployment in your city is a 7.5% that is an issue. When winter is coming and you have to heat your home that is an issue. When you want to buy a home but can not because the mortgage industry has collapsed and now people that were considered good candidates a year ago are no longer such, that is an issue. When your country is in a war with no end that is an issue. Why in God's green earth would I base my vote on a candidate's stance on abortion and g*y marriage rights?

  10. i agree entirely  i too origionally supported mccain for the same reasons as you! but i know, like any sane person, that an economy in ruins needs a democratic president. and with a democratically controlled congress (finally) i think a lot of important things can get done before the next wave of concervativism.

  11. Obama is all talk, no action. He has done nothing, but run for election. Obama has taken 2 to 10 stands on every major issue. He has no foundation. He will say anything and take any position that he thinks will help him get elected.

    Be sure to watch the Rep convention to learn about McCain & Palin. Palin has much more experience than Obama, and the election is McCain against "no experience Obama".

  12. He's been to war. I think he has a great excuse to have a quirky personality. This hasn't effected his voting record, and what he does when he's on the job is far more important than how he handles himself in public, in my opinion. The only strike against him is his anti-abortion record.

  13. obama knows nothing!  what has he experienced in his life to know anything about our country?

  14. Escape from New York was great movie!

    I think having a president that acts as though Iran isn't a threat is scary.

    You can't bury your head in the sand for 4 years and concentrate on "change" without acknowledging that Iran hates us and are supplying weapons to whomever in the middle east that is also against the US.

    His Palin pick is no more sci-fi than all the Obamabots who are blindly following.

    Just don't drink the Kool-aid

  15. neither one of them has anything going for them in my opinion, i feel that our government has become as good as useless at this point.

    we keep pulling politicians from the same dirty pool, we need a fresh start in all honestly

  16. Good on ya.  Do some research on Barack and I think you will like what you find out.

  17. McCain has experience with the military and understands what America is all about. He knows the behind the scenes stuff and unlike his opponent has report with the military forces and will work with them instead of against them.

    McCain opposes late term abortion, he opposes higher taxes, same s*x marriage. Just for some great reasons... he has a higher integrity rating than Obama. Obama says whatever he needs to to get your vote but nobody really knows where he really stands because like John Kerry he has switched positions many times over.

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