
McCain Palin the most perfect ticket ever?

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Think about it for a moment.

McCain is a moderate war hero with 26 years senatoral experience that works both sides (partys) to push bills through. He is funny, articulate, doesn't back away and say things are " above his pay grade".

Palin is a reformer, pulls in the Christian right but is not radicial, she has strong executive experience, knows how to work both party's too to pull in decisions and make things work...and she is a woman.

McCain/Palin, I think the most balanced, perfect, ticket in my lifetime, how about you?




  1. He might as well have picked a man with an arm growing out of his butt for his running mate.  What a publicity stunt.

  2. Palin's "strong executive experience" consists of 2 years as governor of a state that has approximately half the number of people as the Bronx, one of New York City's smaller boroughs, population-wise.

    You must be joking about this choice.  And, yes, she is a woman, so what?

  3. They both will lead to country to disaster. I cannot believe women want to be set back fifty years by her policies, never mind animal rights activists and those that are fearful of global warming. This woman brags about killing wildlife and having the rug to prove it and she believes if your father rapes you or you are the victim of rape you must carry the child full term. If people are stupid enough to vote them in I cannot wait to see the woman of America having all their rights taken away. Scary

  4. Mmm, what flavor was that Kool-Aid?

  5. In YOUR lifetime, perhaps, but there will be many questions raised about the both of them. Will they wilt?

  6. Kool Aide, big mistake.

  7. Only if you believe that talking points are literally true.  You might have had an interesting argument if you hadn't relied on them.

  8. Amen!!

    Switched from Obama to McCain now that he's got Palin.

  9. Not radical? Surely you jest.  Wanting to force rape victims to have the result of the crime if they are impregnated is pretty radical.  Wanting to ignore the Constitution and teach creationism in school is pretty radical.

    Anyone who wants a psychochick who uses her office for revenge anywhere close to nuclear weapons is an idiot.

  10. Well I think it's one of the strangest tickets I have seen in my lifetime. McCain is a war hero, and experienced, and he picks someone less than two years away from Mayor of a town of 6,500. She was picked only because she could rally the conservative base and because she's a woman. It's an inconsistent pick when you look at how McCain and the GOP has tried to use the experience issue against Obama when Palin has even less experience.

    For Balance Obama/Biden works better for me. Obama is the inspirational speaker, running on change, who has been proven and vetted in a tough primary process. Biden ads National Security credentials and blue collar roots to the ticket. They balance each other without contradicting eachother too much like the McCain Palin ticket does.  

  11. Are those rose coloured spectacles in your avatar?!?

    If they are the best ticket in your lifetime you are obviously less than 12 years old!

  12. Honestly did anyone know a thing about Palin BEFORE she was chosen for VP. How comfortable are you really with that??

  13. I don't know.  McCain's war buddies won't vote for him,15202,...

    And Palin not too radical?  Anti-choice, anti-g**s, wants creationism taught in school, sued to have polar bears removed from the endangered list for financial gain, and possibly anti-birth control.  But she's not too radical?  GMAFB.  

  14. Stomachs are turning all over America.

    People can't believe that the nation would fall for this, and even your question is nauseating

  15. Don't forget, Palin has more experience than Obama

  16. not that radicail, r u nuts?  i think someone whos against even birth control pills is a bit radicail and crazy!

  17. And then Palin's daughter goes and f*cks it all up by getting jiggy with it out of wedlock. Silly moose.

  18. McCain/Palin is a excellent choice for America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Clinton /Gore was better Kennedy/ Johnson was better Reagan /Bush  was better.....want me to continue ?

  20. "McCain Palin the most perfect ticket ever"

    I agree if Mc cain going to be all about MC..The girl just help him wins.

  21. 2 wrongs do NOT make a right. Mc Lame and Palin are both losers.

  22. yep, the best, but the lemings don't like it, they are sooooo jealous

  23. McCain WAS a moderate, who sold his beliefs out and is a GWB clone.  McCain of 2000 would have received my support.  His choice of Palin shows he will do anything, say anything and pick an empty suit to keep the status quo and put his personal ambitions over the responsibility of being the Presidency.

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