
McCain/Plain (oops) Palin worst ticket you've ever seen?

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McCain - "I don't know much about the economy".

Palin - "I don't know much about Iraq, I haven't been keeping up".

What exactly DO they know?




  1. More then you do

  2. You will be suprised in November when they win the white house. Nobama is a socialist and ultimately will lose.

  3. I know that the libs are running scared.  Sad isn't it that the best people like you can do is tear into the opposition because you know that your candidate is so weak.

  4. Dukakis/Bentsen was pretty bad.  Bush/Cheney... heh.

  5. d**n, there goes the lumberjack vote!

    The Alaskan nobody is a last-minute audible from a team out of options. What a total see through, strategic move by McPOW! He never would have chosen Palin as veep if Obama had went with Clinton. At least Obama had the integrity to choose Biden.

    If I'm Joe Biden, right now I am smiling thinking about the upcoming VP debate...

  6. more than Obama and Biden...

  7. great team for 08, McCain respects the Hillary supporters more than Obama ever will.

  8. Nonsense!

  9. The worst ticket I've ever seen is Barack "change" Obama/Joe "35 years of the same c**p in Washington" Biden.

  10. Nice one with the Plain comment.  lol  I thought Palin looked kinda like Putin.  lol  

    Yes, this is one horrible ticket for the Republican party.  However, it's great for Obama supporters!  McCain has played political suicide.  Obama showed judgment picking Biden as his VP.  McCain used a political move to try to win women voters.  Oh please.  Who is this woman?  Governor for 2 years!  She is not ready to lead if McCain were to die in office.  I can tell you this much.  The experience argument is officially off the table.  You can take that to the bank!  McCain doesn't know much about economics.  Palin doesn't know much about Iraq.  I do know one thing.  If McCain somehow does win the election, we are screwed!  

  11. I'm not sure if they're the worst, but I can't STAND Palin.

    Her husband works for an oil company, and she wants to take polar bears off the endangered species list because it could hurt oil developement in their habitata in Alaska (where her husband works)

  12. Ahahahaha!!!! The Obama sheep are scared!! This is a brilliant ticket. It totally blew team Osama (oops) Obama out of the water. An excellent choice, they will be a great President and VP for this country. Watch the polls people, Obama will get no bounce from the convention, McCain just took it all away!!!!!

  13. word and name twisting, half truths and stupid question are the watermark of a Democratic campaign headed down a one way road to oblivion.

    Obama,  08 ,  ... oh c**p ....

    Palin has more experience as an executive than Obama and Biden have combined and probably Clinton as well.  

    By the way ... It's amazing how the Democrats claim to be the voice of the American people, and in fact their candidate couldn't get off his chauvanistic butt long enough to see the value in Hillary Clintons support.  Additionally, according to the Democratic party tradition, the Two stongest candidates wind up running together .. It strengthens the party.  Then any other candidates thro in and they all move forward together.  This time, Obama, a racially devisive, politically inexperienced junior sentator snubbed tradition and honor while not listening to his constituency, selected Joe Biden.  

    In the mean time, McCain progresses ahead selecting a cndidate who brings diversity, character, honor and intelligence to the GOP.  This progressive step proves he is no repeat george Bush, and further, a shrewd politician.  

    Obama needs to throw in the towel and save those millions for the next time.  If Hillary goes independant and runs in the middle, Obama and McCain will be toast.  And, don't think she won't do it.  

    I can just read the headlines now "Obama campaign Crashes in flames 48 hours after nomination"  or similar.  

  14. Thet both suck!  

  15. That is a bad ticket, an old dude and someone without experience....oh, wait, I thought you were talking about Obama.

  16. About as much as Bush -- NOTHING!  But, they don't care.



  18. Better than Obama and Biden. OMG. That would be horrible for America! Thank God for McCain picking Palin! What a great choice.

  19. Obama - inflate your tires to energy independence.

    Biden - No John Kerry, pick John Mccain instead of me as your VP.

    Thats the worst.

  20. no, you are taking things out of context. Obama lies everytime he opens his mouth. Go McCain/Palin.

  21. Worst thing ever!

    McCain is all about token choices.

    Token trophy wife and now, token female running mate to draw in the women voters.


  22. This is just a gimmick, but we are in America; and some people are looking for any excuse to not vote for the brotha.

  23. "I don't know what the VP's job is..." That really inspires confidence too.

  24. Palin and Obama have about the same experience.  Maybe it should be Biden vs McCain.

  25. Enough to get elected.

  26. Republicans are jokes that are not funny.

  27. Not the worst, but in the bottom 20%.

  28. From the bottom on my heart; Thank You McCain for providing evidence that your don't warrant the Oval Office!

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