
McCain Supporters: Palin - Desperate Measure or Bold Choice?

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Do you think she's got what it takes to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office? If so, why?




  1. Bold Choice.  Wow!  am I impressed.  First I am going to share with you part of a quick note that McCain has written about Palin:


    "My Friends, I am honored to announce that I have chosen Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as my choice for the Republican nominee for Vice President. As a father with three daughters, I can't express how proud I am to choose the first female Republican Vice-Presidential nominee.  Sarah Palin is a trailblazer and a reformer. As the first female governor of Alaska, she challenged a corrupt system and has been a tireless advocate for reform - passing a landmark bill on ethics reform. She has taken on the old politics in Alaska and reformed the state's energy industry. She rejects wasteful pork barrel spending. She's fearless - exactly the type of leader I want at my side and the type of leadership we will bring to Washington."

    The following is an exerpt from a letter sent to me from a friend.  His daughter  lives in Anchorage:

    "GREAT PICK for McCain,  As a 10 yr resident of Alaska , I can't think of a  better selection for VP. I did not hear  her name untill she was overwhelmingly elected GOV. I have a lliberal daughter, who is an attorney in Anchorage. She says that this recent mommy  has guts to say no to power brokers  in AK such as Hickel,Sheffield, Tony Knowles , to mention some names of shakers and  movers .I  suggest you listen to her and see for yourselves"

    Sarah Palin is the most popular governor in the entire United States of America.  She has an 80 percent approval record.  Now compare that to our Democratic Congress with a measly 9 percent approval record.

    This woman has the executive experience that the other three candidates in this race are lacking.  She has run a state, not just been a Senator...Big difference...And she has run it successfully.  Sarah is the only one that has that kind of experience, so yes she has got what it takes.

    McCain has made the right chess move.  His choice is brilliant.  They are an unbeatable ticket.

    Obama is still the most inexperienced candidate in this race.

  2. I dont know it kinda sends a opposite message than the one Hillary Clinton sent. Mostly cause she was a beauty queen.

    Kinda tells all young girls that you have to be beautiful to be anything, i dunno, and a young pretty vice pres next to a crusty old white guy...hmmmmmmm I mean Hillary is pretty, but she is much more than that. IDK Just my 2 cents

  3. Bad choice, Here is what a member of her own party said, a conservative Republican Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, for once he got it exactly right: "If John McCain's campaign thinks he can get Hillary Clinton voters by choosing Palin it is condescending and insulting to women and it is a terrible political faux pax. You don't break through a glass ceiling because of gender or race, you do it on the basis of ability,experience, intelligence and judgment -- all qualities that Governor Palin either sorely lacks or has yet to demonstrate This is a stunt pick that is an insult to truly qualified women like Hillary Clinton or Kay Bailey Hutchison and, by extension, to all women"

    If you agree with his statment give it a thunbs down here,

  4. Is America a chessboard where John McCain must risk it all to win at any cost?

    Sarah Palin sounds like a good person. I only ask at what point did she had aspirations to be READY as president of the USA. At least Obama put USA first as someone who can step in at a moments notice. McCain attack Obama for his inexperiences and bad judgments. McCain has put America at risk and I will not stand for it, if McCain should wins and god forsake something happens to him, I sure hope that the risk that YOU have made was a wise decision out of your faulty ones. I sure hope that RUSSIA does not attack anyone else...Lastly I do not want my children to be at risk because we have to put faith in your DECISION. I heard that she was at the Bottom of the list and for some reason jumped to the top really quickly. You must know something about her or know her very well...  

  5. Bold Choice.

    Total home run who would be a great choice if she were a man.

    Even better that she's a woman who has it ALL.

    Palin does it with flying colors and FIVE kids.

    Every woman in America KNOWS what that takes.

    What's not to admire.

    All reports from Alaska say that she doesn't waste time talking - like Obama and Biden - she gets right in there, rolls up her sleeves and gets the job DONE.

    This is what America NEEDS.

    Thanks, John McCain!!!

    We are halfway home.

    All we need now is Victory on Nov. 4.

  6. Its a very interesting choice to say the least. As to the heartbeat away argument, I tend to think she probably doesn't have the experience on the national level. I also don't think obama does either but thats not the point. What she does have experience in is challenging the party. It boosts McCains maverick image. I actually quite like what i have read about her and her challenges to corrupt politicians with ties to big oil. I think she represents "new politics" and "change" more than some others i could mention. With her challenges to republican failings and McCains ability to work with both sides i think that change will actually be able to occur, rather than with Obama's "change as long as it is what I want"

  7. Bold, smart and an excellent choice.

    She has what it takes because she can speak off the cuff whereas Obama's teleprompter has overused its energy- time to pull the plug on the man.


  8. Dude, bold choice. It equals the playing field. She brings him the true conservative that he needed. She's a historical figure now another thing the Republicans lacked. She may have limited experience, yet she has more than Obama. It is gonna be a tight race. I am leaning Obama for Biden, but I can be swayed.

  9. Bold Choice!  Sara Rocks!

    She has what it takes to be VP because she has chief executive experience as a Governor and a Mayor.  Obama and Biden have neither one been ever been chief executive of anything.

  10. Very bold and incredible move. She has more leadership experience as VP than the Democratic Presidential nominee. Finally, a woman running for office that looks, acts, and sounds like a woman. Her record is impeccable, her values like most Americans. Willing to fight corruption in the political field, refuse Fed funding because it was not needed, suspend gas taxes for 1 year for her state. Sounds like a woman who sticks to her "guns" aka values/morals......just what this country needs for once. To think I considered another candidate, NOW I cannot wait to vote for once.

    McCain/Palin '08

  11. Desperate Measure, very much so.  I saw right thru this, and so I am sure most of us with any sense has.  It won't work, because the turnout for Obama, is going to be so huge that this too will make the history books.

  12. Bold choice- she's got more leadership experience than Obama, and she won't be taking those 3am phone calls the first day on the job.

    She is a reformer, a strong advocate for working families, has demonstrated her ability and willingness to root out corruption and implement programs that benefit the communities she serves.

    In four years she will be well qualified to be President. In one stroke McCain has brought strength to his candidacy and laid the foundation for the future of the GOP.  

  13. does being a mayor of Po-Dunk City with roughly 7000 people really mean anything? seriously, she's been Gov of the 47th largest state for less than 20 months.

    after the shock value wears off, we will find ourselves eating the t**d we slung at obama and hillary. poor choice.-  

  14. Smart choice.

    She brings social conservatives, blue collar workers, and soccer moms to the table.  McCain has secured his right flank and is now in place to challenge Obama in the center of the electorate.

    McCain is shrewd enough to know he isn't going to draw the hardcore Hillarycrats.  He doesn't expect to.

  15. its a hard queston because it requires lots of research since no one really knows much about Palin... I would love to say that its a BOLD CHOICE, but im just not sure.... I just hope our country will be runned by OBAMA..... as long as McCain wins, i'll feel a little more safe. (even though i dont agree on everything he says) whoever he choses as his vice presedent is much better than anyone compared to obama.

    i no many people will be giving me a thumbs down, but its the truth...

    sorry i couldnt really answer your question. i wonder what you think??

  16. Bold Choice.  Think about it, what better way to win over the women that were for Hillary!  Also the pro life crowd will love her, she is a mom.  This also clears up all misconceptions of him being a sexist.  The woman seems tough enough to take on the big boys in my opinion.  She is a governor.  The way I see it that means she has more exp. in office than Obama.  They have my vote!

  17. My first thought when I heard the announcement was: "Who?"  

    My money was on the govenor of Texas.

    I'm going to reserve judgement until I've had more time to learn more about her.  But there are some points that I like: I think she will definitely connect to working mothers.  She is young, vibrant a good speaker and brings some badly needed excitement and energy to McCain's campaign.  Alaska state government was well known to be corrupt and when she came into office (or so I'm reading...) she pretty much cleaned house.  Alaska is certainly strategic: oil reserves, close to Russia.  

    There are also downsides: she went from PTA to VP nomination in 4 years, she has been trying to lift the restrictions to protect polar bears as a threatened species.

    To answer your question, I think it is bold, rather than desperate.

    And it's kind of nice to see that Republicans are not ALL old, white men.

  18. She's a bold choice which is what John McCain's 25 years of government service has been full of. He's full of surprises and is a maverick. Palin is pro-American values and family values. She has the same nose for maverick politics like McCain and will reach out to women voters.

  19. This was a desperate move and the wrong choice.

    Mit Rodney should had been the V.P.  Would you vote for someone you don't even know. Who is this person, no one knows. But she is pretty and that is good enough. We known  Obama for 4 years, yet we claim we know nothing about him. we know her for 10 hours and that is good enough!? nope. McCain can kick the bucket any day now and we don't even know who she is.

    Write in Mit Rodney for President.

  20.   A very bold and surprising choice. McCain

      fooled everyone...even the wonderful media.

      I do believe she's got what it takes to even be

      president (if need be). I liked her right away.

      Biden has run for president 2ce and only got

      1% of the vote and had to drop, so what has

      changed with him now that Democrats think

      he's wonderful all of a sudden? Not one thing..

      he is still the same (older) liberal.

  21. What about Biden. They say that Palin is a heartbeat away and to be frank Obama is a bullet away so McCain is doing what he had to do like Obama with Biden,

  22. She has executive experience...which B.O. does not.

    She is a proven maverick and corruption cleaner in Alaska as GOVERNOR.

    The community organizer still hasn't given us examples of accomplishments he has done that qualify him to be president of the United States.

    McCain/Palin '08

  23. Definitely a desperate measure. No, she does not have what it atkes to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Can you imagine that old coot dying the day after they are sworn in to office, and this individual becomes President?!

  24. If this were the 1950's, the beauty queen would be a bold choice.

    In the 21st century, this appears to be a desperate attempt  

  25. Bold choice and an excellent choice!!

    Palin has more experience than Obama does and it drives the liberals crazy

    McCain Palin all the way

  26. Palin is a Splendid choice and she will make a Wonderful VP (and future President)! It just goes to show that McCain is a true maverick & genius who picks likewise!


    * has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska)

    * is a vocal, huge proponent of American energy independence & Alaskan drilling

    * has actually been leading people for the past several while Obama & Biden NEVER have led anyone!

    * shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    * will join McCain in fighting hard against earmarks

    * is about as far outside the Beltway as you can get

    * ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending

    * is the mother of 5 kids!

    * has had her son deploy to Iraq

    * is for a strong US defense

    * is an ice fisherman

    * is a moose hunter

    * is a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot - who truly represents Americana (Motherhood & Apple pie)!

    McCain/Palin '08


  27. This is absolutely brilliant!!  I am so excited about this.  McCain IS a bloody genius!!  Bold, wonderful choice.  McCain is THE MAN!

  28. Ole "Snake-eyes" McCain just rolled a doozy. This makes no sense on so many levels. The fact that she is a woman is completely trumped by the fact she's anti-choice, an oil company handmaiden, and a creationist whack-job to boot.

    McCain now needs psychiatric help for his serious gambling addiction.

  29. I'm not exactly a McCain supporter but I would say it was more calculated than desperate as well as a Bold Choice. To me it brings the question on whether Obama should have had Hillary for his running mate...

    I can't help but  to wonder if he will regret not bringing her into it. This may come back to bite him the butt now that McCain chose Palin.  

  30. Any woman who has risen through the ranks this quickly, has a great husband and 5 kids can do anything.

    Bold, bold choice. Fantastic chess move for McCain. I am in awe. Cannot wait for the winning election day.

    At last, a conservative woman in high office.

  31. I think it is a brilliant    choice. I was sure he would choose Romney. But with romney being Mormon and all the scandal with the offspring Mormons this summer I think too much of that would have muddied the waters too much. I was unsure when I first heard but the more I read on her the more I love her. She is a hunter so she wont take our guns. She is against pork-barrel spending so we can start to balance the budget because we wont be wasting so much money on stupid things. She is for drilling in alaska, because the area they want to drill on is barren wasteland anyway. She is pro-life, pro-family which is a wonderful change from the wacko leftist n***s in the democratic parties. Great Job McCain, you have my vote for sure.

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