
McCain Supporters?

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all sound like a frustrated middle class redneck racsist who probably thinks america was wright in invading vietnam and iraq because "they gotta know who is boss"..




  1. LOL... you obviously don't know how to spell..."wright" you mean "right"? Nope I think you mean Revered Wright... old Baracks racist pastor who hates THAT is a racist ..are you a follower..I suspect you are!

  2. Your perception of reality is inaccurate.  What is your question?

  3. first learn how to spell, figures a loser who wants something for nothing, you probably couldnt even find your spelling error anyway, lol. get a job or move to another country because obama and socialism doesnt belong in america

  4. Attention History Revisionists!

    Vietnam started in 1945 with the French (remember them?) trying too save their colony from the dreaded commies! Under Kennedy, we sent military advisers. Johnson sent more but still no war was declared. It took Nixon to get congress too declare and then decided it was a waist of Money. Hamburger Hill anyone? 10,000 days is the length of that 'Nam conflict. frustrated Rednecks are not the problem. Ignorant, stupid, greedy, mother fornicating fascist are.

    Saddam was "Our Boy in the 80's remember? He was a bully and nothing more who hid in a hole. Hitler (Bush's Grandfathers business partner) would have shot him himself! Bush wanted too know "How to get a war with Iraq in 2000 before he was even given the job of President. And as President, he swore to defend the Constitution not destroy it! Iraq/Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11-01. Even d**k (head) Cheney has said this! d**n Republicans have their heads up their cooperate (fascist) rectums!

    As for "Shell Shocked" McInsane/McBush (whatever) being a war hero. Go fornicate yourself! Getting shot down and spending 5 years in a POW camp doesn't make one a hero! Seen the movie "Flags of our fathers"?  My father, a Marine, was there fighting! (My brothers joined in Navy 65' and Army 71'. I joined Army in 1980.) And apparently after the 2006 elections neither does getting your legs and a arm blown off!

    And who would Jesus (the prince of Peace!) Bomb?!

  5. Tina,McCain has served his country with dignity and Honor why don't you learn how to spell you illiterate protesting trash

  6. I think Mccain is Bush, so we dont need him I wanted to see Hillary but Obama is the one but i think mccain is a bad bad idea!

  7. and you sound like an incompetent, uneducated individual who is trying to sound smart..  it isn't working.  It is r-a-c-i-s-t and r-i-g-h-t.

  8. You failed what you wanted to accomplish in here. You sound so racist with calling middle class redneck racists for supporting McCain. You obviously don't know your History very well. I think you should go back and do some more study on why America went into Vietnam and why America is in Iraq.  So stop the name calling and let American decide for themselves who they want to vote for. I myself, am voting for McCain because I don't have any other choice. I am voting for someone who knows all about the Military and knows about terrorism. Obama doesn't know any of them. Maybe you should vote for McCain too.
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