
McCain Voters: Has the recent news swayed your opinion at all.?

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McCain's VP, Palin is known for her traditional views on abortion, g*y marriage, etc.

The quintessential christian republican.

But now, recent news has it that her daughter is having a babie with an eighteen year old man, out of wedlock.

(she is 17)

Has this swayed your opinion of her, or even your vote?




  1. you know, i wasn't even paying attention to the election to be honest, i hate politics.  all i knew was Obama wanted change and McCain looks like a little potato struggling constantly to hold his dentures in.  but i was waiting for something big to make my mind up for me, and finding out Sarah Palin's views on almost everything has made me vote Obama for sure. but i could care less what her daughter did, i just think her ideas suck.

    also, good evening sly kitteh. :)

  2. Not really, but I was impressed by Obama when he recently told people (after finding out about Palin's daughter) that family was off limits.  That's the way it should be.

    Some of the more liberal news sources are ignoring his request though.

  3. I don't understand why it would.

    Some libs might wish it would, but they can dream on.

  4. All politicians are hypocrites.

  5. No it has not.

    That is his family's business, not the concern of the country.

    Focus on his reasons why he wishes to run for president.

  6. Not in the least.  How can you condemn a person by their child's action.  It would be different if it was one of the candidates doing something wrong, of coarse adultery dose not count if you are a liberal (Bill Clinton).  To me this is no more important than our current V.P's daughters sexual orientation, Jimmy Carters crazy brother Billy, or  Fords wife's addictions.

  7. Nope

  8. Of course not.

    First of all, contrary to the popular secular belief, Christianity holds forgiveness for all.  Christ does not withhold forgiveness for any kind of sexual sin.

    Second of all how can a parent be held responsible for the sins of a child.  Are you really trying to expand the definition of hypocrit to include the actions of a child and the beliefs of a parent?

    The ultimate hypocrisy is to abandon a truth because of a loved one's transgression.

  9. i say we kidnap the girl... then eat the babby!

  10. Well, I was gonna vote for Obama anyway.

  11. No. You can't control your kids. Obama's mother was not married to his father when he had Obama by the way. Gore's son is a dopehead.

    The 17 year old is marrying her fiance and is not murdering the baby. Obama believes in killing kids. He voted against medical aid for babies who survive induced labor abortion 3 times. He said the mother wanted an abortion, not a baby so the baby should die.

  12. Not to mention her husband's drunk driving ticket and the ongoing investigation into her firing of a state trooper who dared to side with her sister's ex-husband during a nasty custody battle. She's toast. She'll be stepping down so he can pick someone who has a clue and isn't a total embarrassment to so-called conservative values.

  13. Absolutely not. Why should it? So her daughter got pregnant like a few thousand other 17 or 18 year olds.

    I heard her dog has fleas should I not vote for her because of that.

    Btw, the left will have a tough time with this issue since Obama already said it is off-limits.  But the ole double standard will, of course, be used to try to cause trouble no doubt. This from a party that advocates killing the unborn at will.

  14. No

  15. Not at all.  

  16. Nope

    She did wrong but she is correcting it`

  17. Let me begin by saying I voted for Hil.

    Actually, I think that about covers it.

  18. If Palin was asking her daughter to get an abortion in private while at the same time taking a public pro-life stance then I'd be disappointed. But she is being consistent with her beliefs. I'm sure she would have preferred having her daughter do what is going to be best for her future and avoid this incident but not all things are perfect. You go from there. As a voter who supports many of her causes as opposed to the other candidate, I'll still vote Republican for this election. Obama is too inconsistent from my point of view. He supports way too many special interests for my taste.

  19. Ihasn'tnt swayed me in the least.  You can only do so much for your children.  They still have their own minds and free will, regardless of what we tell them and teach them.

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