
McCain Voters/Supporters: Do you think that leaving troops in Iraq is a good idea?

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Oh and think about this: if we keep dragging on a conflict in Iraq, oil prices RISE and you'll have to struggle more. Oh yeah and um we might get bombed by the ANGRY terrorists? Some of the Iraqian Government said that George W. Bush was a hypocrite.

I personally think that Obama's idea is better. Why? Cause we at least TRY TO negotiate with the Al'quadea.




  1. Was it a good idea for the US to have military bases in Germany and Japan after WW2? Some in our own government believe we should pay ransom to kidnappers and/ or terrorists. Do you believe this is wise? Are you smarter now than you were 5 years ago? Do you think you'll be smarter 5 years from now? Historically, appeasement has NEVER worked. That's why WW2 ended with 40,000,000 dead instead of 4,000. I personally don't want to see any honorable man or woman killed, but maybe you believe in Joseph Stalin's words...."one man's death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic". I'd much prefer to take on lunatic dictators early and minimize the loss of life, wouldn't you?

    chocolatebabycakes, you are truly not well informed. Drilling more and searching for alternative energy solutions drives down energy prices, including the price of gas. Futures prices based on reserves are calculated into the selling price. Democrats have publicly stated they wish gas prices were higher, just not as quick as what happened. They prefer you not drive. You may not care, but at least be informed.

    BTW, if the whole universe hates us, why did France, Germany and Italy elect conservative Prime Ministers and Poland, Denmark, Austrailia, and more support us?

  2. Yeah, I agree with you. McCain supporters don't care about the gas prices, they LIKE high gas prices and that is why they want Mccain. They stand at the pump and say darn, I wished gas costed more money becasue it just isn't high enough. LOL

    Basically the whole universe hates the US, thanks to Bush, so we need to befriend with somebody! I just feel that this country needs new leadership under a new regime and if McCain wins, Lord help us!

  3. Moot point.  Leaving Iraq is not a choice, its a necessity.  Iraq wants all of us OUT.

  4. Doesn't Obama learn from history? Look how the Soviets got humiliated in Afghanistan. The Jihadist have countless number of networked caves, booby traps, and mountain fighting tactics. Iraq was a chess move desiged to suck out the Jihadist out of the caves and bring them to open desserts and villages where they can be slaughtered easier. While at the same time taking out Saddam. Before you give me the WMD excuse, keep in mind that Saddam knew he was going to be invaded and had them shipped abroad, buried, or destroyed. I bet we even killed Bin Laden in a surgical strike and are waiting to announce it during this election. Don't you liberals know anything about strategy and chess? Obama is a fool and so are his mindless followers.

  5. First off, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOES NOT NEGOCIATE WITH TERRORISTS. If that ever changes, I'll consider expatriating.

    Second, we left troops in Japan and they became a financial powerhouse. Happy well fed citizens...

    Third, we left troops in Germany and they became a financial powerhouse. Happy well fed citizens...

    Fourth, we left troops in Korea and they became a financial powerhouse. Happy well fed citizens...

    Do you see a pattern developing?

  6. So you mention dragging things out and that we might get bombed are issues.. well yea.. and you think Obamas Idea is better... well he wants to take troops to Afghanistan... no current schedule of bringing anyone home.

    Negotiate with them... yea im sure that will work.  Join the real world.. please.

  7. We won the war in 2003

    We ****** up the reconstruction by 2 TRILLION DOLLARS.

    Iraqian citizens want use to leave (who once supported us during the reconstruction).

    I think we should leave.  Simple as that.

    Then again, I am a Ron Paul supporter, not a pro-war type Republican.

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