
McCain Voters: WHY????

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Can any of you McCain voters give me real, legitimate reason why you will be voting for him. Make sure it's a good reason, and not the same old c**p reasons everybody gives.....




  1. I tend to be more conservative in my beliefs.  For example, I'm against g*y marriage and abortion, so I vote republican.

  2. Good question, not a single intelligent answer. That should be a clue, only the senile and retarded are choosing McCain.  

  3. ditto ^^

    he has experience to derive a great plan for MY country

    why vote for the party that has lowered congress's approval rating into single digits for the first time in history??

    drill here drill now - why wait 10 years??

  4. Because he is the only alternative to Obama.

  5. I'm not voting for McCain.  I'm voting for Sarah Palin.  Getting McCain elected is just collateral damage.

  6.    Lol i asked myself the same question ! WHY IN THE h**l WOULD YOU VOTE FOR HIM ! Arent you tired people , of the same bs of the last four years ? Why would you vote for a man who voted with bush 90% of the time ? Have you people forgotten how helpless to the corruption of Washington we felt when republicans were in power do you realize how much we lost not only in money because bush is leaving us with a 500 billions dollar deficit but in proud young soldiers who the least we can do is if we are going to sacrifice there lives for us at least make it mean something . Iraq didnt attack us America is in it for oil and money . This fact has really broken my heart to know that a country i love and my family has died for wouldn't give a d**n about being so corrupt in our faces . Republicans and democrats use your mind and for once look across party lines and use independent thought . Seriously i am ashamed of you people are you that blind to your party that you would disregard the FACTS of the MAJOR failure of the bush administration and vote again for bush 2 . McCain is no maverick is the same old **** . If you people vote for him you will destroy the last chance America has to get out of this war and get America back together .

    Republicans are you really that blood thirsty to want more war over a country that didnt attack us ? Does the blood shed of our thousands of soldiers not make you angry ?

    Obama has his problems but between the lesser of two evils i think he is it . You guys just need so say s***w it to all the bs gimmicks both party's throw at you and vote for the man who has the best judgment . 100 years in iraq is not the best judgment ! So please for the love of god vote for obama i know he has his issues but i know that America cannot stand 12 years of this failed administration .

    If mccain wins i will riot i love my country too much to see it torn apart !

    Vote obama he isnt prefect but his judgment far outshines mcbush !



  7. because mcain knows what to do if there is a war and obama has never run anything in his life why not start with our contry obama is going to raise our takes

    did u ever notice that we arnt like the other contrys that have bombs go off all the time ????? MCCAIN obama has gross ideas im gonna kill myself if obama is pres or move to another contry

  8. It's another lesser of two evils and I can't vote for a socialist like obama.

  9. Im a registered republican but Im voting Democrat (so far)

    I was 100& behind Hillary and NOT obama BUT when hillary began endorcing him I begin to allow myself to like him.  If hillay sees good in him.. I respect her so much.

    I know I didnt really answer ur question...

  10. He wont take away my 2nd ammendment right.

    He wont take away my right to choose my health care provider.

    He isnt a communist.

    He believes in what i believe in.

  11. i will not vote for a man who got on national tv and said he is the messiah..he is supposed to be a christian..a real christian would never say this..this is why i beleive he is a muslim..and if you dont like my answer and if it seems the same ole same ole..sorry its the with it

  12. I suppose I would have voted for Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul, but I hope McCain puts them to use somewhere.  As for Sarah, she is a good choice, and cause she is not in the back pocket of a Rockerfeller as Obama and Biden are.

    I will give you reasons why through the websites listed below.

  13. simple;

    McCain says and does first "what is good for the country Then what is good for his party...", and he has gotten in fights with many of his fellow republicans, making his words more that just words but also deeds to back his stance!!

    He has sided with Democrats like Ted Kennedy to get things done for America many times in the past…

    That’s real honor!

    ..And that is why he is NOT Bush or McBush like the Obama morons want to make him look so they can win…

    ... and why he has been called the original Washington Maverick McCain!. …loved by even the liberal media until recently when they got they new man Obama.

    You show me that kind of courage and character in Obama....!

    Obama is not smart...just greatly scripted...but us who have been looking at him closely knew he was a "Manchurian Candidate" from the beginning!

    Obama lost without a teleprompter

    oh, and the 57 US states of his…lol…:

    You show me and everyone here when IF at any time Obama has crossed party lines to get things done!

    he has done it...never!

    also, ….McCain son Jimmy McCain is a Marine and is IN Iraq fighting!!!!

    ...oh never mind that McCain is also a real American hero!  

    he has my vote, and many of my vet friends votes!

  14. Why bother ask?

    If I give you a good, legitimate reason why I'm voting for him you're just going to call it the "same old c**p reasons" so this stupid question of yours is just wasting everyone's (and your own) time.

    @ Kristin

    Yeah, that must be it. It's racism. It's not his inexperience, it's not his lack of patriotism, it's not the absence of logic in any of his policies, it's not how hypocritical he is, it's not his delusional belief that the terrorists actually want to negotiate. No, it's racism. Do you ever read your own answers and think "Wow, did I really type something that blatantly ignorant?"

  15. A. Because he is NOT Obama. I prefer a Christian who has never attended a racist church.

    B. He just demonstrated his brilliance with his VP pick.

    C. He will keep us safe, Obama would talk his face off accomplishing nothing. I'm fairly sure that he cannot change Iran's ideas that Israel needs to be destroyed.

  16. Umm.. becuz he's goin to give me a bigger paycheck, thus benefitting me.  Not to mention my donation to the economy.  Why would you vote for Obama...  other than the same old c**p, "oOoo.. lets end the Iraq war.."  "..Create more jobs for the Average citizen"  ...

    Those are good plans but just how solid are his promises.  Atleast McCain.. having some experience in politics, knows limitations of what he can do as a president.  Unfortunately, if all the citizens vote Obama, and military personnel vote McCain... your putting our jobs on the line, jobs that help serve and protect this country  

  17. Because he is the best candidate with the better policies!  I say better because I would have voted for Ron Paul if he was on the ballot.  It's as simple as that!  Obama wouldn't even make my top 1000 prospects for the most lucrative position on the entire planet!

  18. I think theyre voting for him because he's an old white guy, and some american's are racist.

    I don't want an old white guy from presidant, he's probably gonna die of old age before the 4 years are over...

  19. I dislike Obama because he has ties to known terrorists and his affililiations with racial preachers for the last 20+ years. Obama's upbringing was that of radical islamic extremists. Obama doesn't salute or pledge allegiance to our flag. These facts should be good enough for everyone NOT to vote for this person.  VOTE McCAIN, he's a terrific leader, a honored war hero, and an overall good person with a great unblemished reputation.

  20. Why are you (presumably) voting for Obama?

    I'm not voting for Mc Cain so much as I'm voting against Obama. I'm tired of the class envy agenda that the Democrats push. Obama has no substance, just platitudes. I'm not in love w/ Mc Cain either, but he sure beats the alternative! At least he has a tangible platform. Above all, he's not interested in hoarding my money & giving it to any & every slacker that whines! Above all, I believe in the Constitution and I'm not a socialist.

  21. because americans are ignorant IGNORANT obama is a very smart man and the reason why is because hes black i would say about 50% of mccain supporters are voting for him because obama is black the others agree on his political views.

  22. he's the BOMBer!

    he's explosive! and he loves war! a true fighter! yeah!

  23. Picking VP is a reflection of how serious they are.

    Obama's promise was change and he picked someone who hasn't so much as changed his hairstyle in the last century.

    and McCain offers reform and picked someone who was making a name for herself for being A HUGE reformer.

    Despite the fact that she was a woman and had little experience.....KNOWING what it could do to his campaign....KNOWING a woman would be difficult for some of his party members so swallow.....he stuck true to his message.

    That's why I'm voing McCain...he doesn't say one thing...and do another.

  24. Most of the McCain voters are ones that voted for Bush twice so that tells you a lot about their state of mind.  Most McCain voters like him because they like the idea of wars and obviously he is white (one of us) which means America will be safe.

  25. McCain's approach to solving the energy crisis is "All of the Above". He wants to open up oil drilling both on land and off shore. He aslo wants to mine oil shale. In addition McCain supports the research, development, and production of alternative energy sources: wind, solar, hydrogen, tide, natural gas, etc. All these measures collectively will end our dependence on foreign oil

    This "All of the Above. approach will also create lots of good paying jobs. In order to provide engineers, refiners, researchers, and developers McCain will provide support to improve the education system.

    All these good paying jobs and new energy products will result in an economic boom. With a booming economy taxes can be lowered. If you make $100 and get taxes 30% the government takes $30 and you get to keep $70. With a booming economy you can make more money. If you make $150 and get taxed 20% the government gets $30 and you keep $120. Your tax rate is lower, your net is higher, and the government still has enough money to operate.

    Summay: End dependence on foreign oil, develop and produce our own energy, improve education, create good paying jobs, booming economy, lower taxes. That's why I'm voting McCain/Palin.

  26. They will only give you answers of what they hear from the media, because when it comes to something as important as the next president, the media [who you rarely trust for anything else] is suddenly perfect.

  27. McCain is the only one that can defend this country, Obama is such a weenie on defense why would anyone want him. and he will tax us all to death and he wont be able to come through with any of his promises because they will be up to the House and Senate to approve and I dont care for the fact Obama has voted with hsi party 97% of the time which means he has voted with Pelosi and Reid 97% of the time. McCain/Palin '08

  28. He and his vp candidate have established track records of  government reform.  They are realists in tackling issues for the public interest. They do not pander to special interests or make hyperbolic promises to gain support.  There are no hidden agendas. And most importantly, they believe in the America of free enterprise, personal responsibility and work ethic; not the America of socialism and welfare.

  29. John McCain is a moderate Republican and a RINO

    so I think he concurs with my Democratic view point as I have

    been a Democrat all my life

    My wife and I concur with John McCain and Sarah Palin

    Obama is just to green and Joe Bidden is just another failed Democrat

  30. He is far and away the best candidate because of his experience, his loyalty to USA, his track record. His strength in Congress on both sides, Dem and Rep, His foreign policy experience is probably the most beneficial to USA.  

  31. I don't know. I just think its important to vote Republican. And a lady as pretty as Mrs. Palin really helps them.

    She is like so cool. Every little girl should grow up to be like her. They could be so lucky.

    You sound like Adolph Hitler!
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