
McCain a a hypocrite for picking Sarah Palin?

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He speaks of some imaginary experience yet here he is selecting a 44 y/o woman no one has ever heard of before, from a state that wouldn't be a state if it had not bordered russia and contained lots of oil.

There is an google images search of her name. She has even been on the cover of vogue.

She is a "Femenist for Life". I'm all for Hillary, and women's rights... but Femenism? Isn't that a little too fanatical? They don't want equal rights, they want ALL of the rights, and men would have none. If you've been to college at all you've seen this with your own two eyes.

Oh, and look at this, her husband is an Oil man.... HOW AM I NOT SURPRISED?

"She admits that she used marijuana at a time when the state had legalized possession of small amounts (though possession was still illegal under federal law). She says that she did not like it and does not smoke it now."

LIES, come on. Everyone who smokes pot likes pot. It's Bill Clinton all over again!

It should be so very clear to everyone that a vote for McCain/Palin 08 is a vote for not only a 3rd bush term, but the defenseless lack of honor that Bill Clinton carried at the end of his 2nd term.




  1. lmao an OIL Man.. he words as a process operator.

    Which I'm sure you don't even know what one is.

    As bill Clinton said at the Democratic convetnion "they said the same thing about me, I was unheard of, that I had no experience, that I was risky"

    And the crowd gave a thunderous applause.

    Does it only apply to Democrat Presidential candidates?

  2. I think Johnnie is scared that he is losing the election and he SO SO  SO wants to be President before he passes on. He is SO SO SO old that he thinks having a 44 year old woman with zilch experience from a big oil background will help him carry his water.  

  3. I've heard of her before. In fact, I was cheering her on while others were talking about Romney. If you have never heard of her before today, then that's your fault. Read the news once in a while. McCain has been scouting her for many months.

    Hillary Clinton is a much bigger feminist than Palin. So, if you're "all for Hillary," then you should have no trouble with Palin's association with the Feminists for Life.

    Palin actually took on oil companies as Governor of Alaska. And most people in Alaska are connected with the oil industry. That's why they live there. Not a lot of jobs to choose from up there.

  4. AMEN!!! I hear that!

  5. Now just why would you want to crush Obamas dream of women being able to have the same respect and pay as men.

  6. I think I'm hearing you cry WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOLOLOL

  7. Kind of like saying the problem with DC is washington insiders then naming Joe Biden as your running mate

  8. McCain is pathetic.  He has not been pro-female and now in a desperate attempt to woo Hillary supporters, he picks the token, inexperienced Palin to be his running mate.  Hopefully Americans will see through this sad attempt to get votes and vote for the Obama-Biden ticket.

  9. Being PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT are 2 different things! The PRESIDENT MUST be experienced. Obama isn't, McCain is. GET OVER IT.

    McCain - Palin '08 baby!


  10. And he thought he was being SMART!!

    Mel....what do you expect?  3/4 of those republicans can't even read!!

  11. More like a genius.

    Scared, huh!

  12. She is also currently under investigation for corruption (what happened to the vetting process?):

    She might be a great woman and a mom (though I don't know which mom would leave her 5 month old with special needs to go on campaign trail), but she is NO Hillary Clinton and to think what Hillary supporters would vote for just any woman is an insult to their intelligence.

  13. A lot of the answers here state very good points, but one thing about the "question" here hasn't been addressed:

    "LIES, come on. Everyone who smokes pot likes pot."  That's not true.  A lot of people who like to always be clear and sharp in their thought processes don't like getting high.  And it makes some people just feel unpleasant.  I know that might be hard to believe, but it's true.

  14. No one ever heard of Obama either before he ran after serving only 143 days in the Senate.  Next.  

  15. Slip slidin' away

    Slip slidin' away

    You know the nearer your destination

    The more you're slip slidin' away

  16. No its genius.

    Something you obviously are not with your wild rant. Her oilman husband was a production worker not a ceo like some Obamabots are claiming.

    Wipe your chin you got spit drooling out of your mouth..

  17. Yes, it is hypocritical to bash Obama's lack of experience and then name a governor of a low population state like Alaska that has entirely different problems than those in the lower states. It's hypocritical to bash Obama's teen drug use then name a VP that admits to smoking marijuana. It's insulting to woman to imply that a pro-life, pro-NRA, anti-polar bear, pro creationism in the schools, pro-raping the national parks in Alaska for oil candidate is interchangeable to Hillary.  

  18. I love her even more.  Thanks for the information.  If you don't like her, she must be awesome.

  19. Rant. Get your own web site.

  20. I think it was brilliant !!!!  McCain / Palin all the way !!!!!

  21. Mccain/Palin 2008

  22. nope she actually has some experience, where barak was a senator for 145 days and voted present 130 times.  she was busy running a state while obama was hanging with rev. wright, tony rezko, bill ayers, and phlager.

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