
McCain admits he doesn't even know how to use a computer. He already admitted knowing nothing about economic.?

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matters at a time when, as the result of bush's disastrous economic policies, America finds itself the most precarious economic situation since the Great Depression.

Now, the GOP wants us to elect someone who has no understanding about the high-tech issues that America's future depends on. Issues such as nanotechnology, alternative energy, stem-cell research, the debate over global warming, biotechnology, GM crops, etc. We're living in a era when hand-held devices are capable of browsing the internet, and where the debate is over net neutrality. And what about McCain? He has the technical proficiency of someone living in the 70's!

Isn't it imperative that America's next president have a firm grasp of the technology issues that the country will be facing in the coming years? Shouldn't the next president be one who can take the country into the future and not one who desperately clings to the past?




  1. Yes, he's a dinosaur.  If somehow he should be elected he will be a complete disaster.  

  2. That's just the tip of the iceberg Frank.  McCain was fifth from the bottom of his college class -- he had trouble grasping the basics back in 1959!  The fact that he can't understand computers and technology is about as surprising as my dog's inabillity to master algebra.  Save America -- vote Democratic!

  3. Maybe he can find a nice 16 year old boy that he can appoint Secretary of "The Google."

    Or, we could put all of his briefings on an 8-track.

  4. Obamarama.....that's what you're suffering from.... there is no logic or common sense in any of your sentences, and paragraphs....  

  5. I don't expect him to know everything about everything, but I expect him to seek out experts like General Petreas or Meg Whitman, not his grandmother like Obama bi Biden.

  6. Oh dear me ..... its just gets worse for you lot  

  7. McCain`s beginning presidency will be similar to Reagan`s late in the second term.

  8. LOL

    The Democrats just had to assign a babysitter to Obama, the whole world knows it (literally)

    Obama hasn't done anything on the home front except foment discord and jerk the public chain, and he knows nothing of foreign policy.  So what CAN he do?  Read a teleprompter?  Great--let his Hollywood investors buy out the Yankee ones and let them use his skills for the soap-opera circuit (not competing with Oprah, of course)

  9. At least he can admit what he does and does not know. Obama, even after going to Iraq, can't admit that the surge has worked and HE WAS THERE!. I would rather someone who can be honest and admit his short coming then Obama who is too proud to concede anything.  

  10. I believe as an american that we need someone other than McCain because he is really out of touch with the average american and has no idea what hard times are. When a person is given the power to run a government he has to be financialy secure, smart in abusiness sense and patient. He is neither one.

  11. It is simply clear the Republicans don't want to enter the 21st century, doesn't it.  They keep picking these old, tattered men who are well-off to do, and know nothing about progressing society.  It's truly sad to see old and tired ideas struggle to survive.

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