
McCain advocates nuclear power for the US.Does he condone N.Korea having it w/the capability of making a bomb?

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Doesn't it seem hypocritical to advocate one policy for domestic policy on the basis it's for the good of our country & then police the rest of the world? Can we trust N.Korea or Iran to "do good" w/ this kind of explosive power? Seems like another case of the US throwing its weight around.

By the way, at this point I'm not for either McCain or Obama so this isn't a McCain rant.




  1. We already have nuclear power he is advocating increasing its use which is a good idea, we already have nuclear weapons which we had to develop to defend ourselves as Germany was also trying to develop them. North Korea is ruled by an unstable dictator who may use nukes or sell them to terrorists, not exactly what we want to happen. Should we wait until a nuclear bomb is detonated on our soil, a little late to act then.

  2. Hypocritical? To a point, yes.

    However, it is very sensible. The U.S. is a stable country run by sensible people. North Korea is on the national state-sponsored terrorism list, and is run by a powerful and crazy dictator.

    Now, if anyone was going to have nukes, who should it be?

  3. It's been a trend for a long time for the United States government to consider itself "exempt" from any international guidelines/policies. It is extremely hypocritical, it's like the U.S. government just likes to bully other countries for doing the same things they are. You may want to read the book Failed States by Noam Chomsky, he discusses this topic in depth.

  4. contrary to what the 1970s anti-Nuke crowd preached.....Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapons are not the same thing....just read Carl Sagan on this subject...

    North Korea was building a reactor for the specific purpose of creating weapons-grade material....they weren't even trying to hide it as "energy policy"...

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