
McCain and Palin do not stand up to equality?

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Palin wants g*y marriage to be banned, and she opposes a woman's right to choose. They both want drilling as a temporary solution, even going as far as tapping into Alaska's reserves itself. We can rest knowing that if these two airheads are elected, the g*y community won't have fighters for their rights.




  1. a few days ago i saw a commercial for a phone dating service and it was for g*y people. it was wierd and uncomfortable. i can only speak for myself but i think that the idea of g*y is coming on a bit to strong. i dont rlly care much for the g*y community anyways so GO MCCAIN!!!

  2. I am excited about the McCain and Palin ticket.  

    I can't understand why g**s want more rights then other Americans.   Marriage is historically between a man and woman.   Same s*x should engage in civil contracts.

    Women do have free choice, to get pregnant or not to get pregnant.   Once a life is conceived then it should have all the rights as g**s, Blacks or any other American.

  3. its not a choice, its a child you barbarian

    and she is a gun packing super hot conservative

    and the ticket rocks  

  4. No, McCain and Palin don't oppose equality.

  5. We are all equal when it comes to marriage, as we are all free to marry someone of the opposite s*x.

    Women do have the right to choose, contrceptives.

    What does drilling have to do with equality?

  6. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  7. Palin also vetoed a Bill that would have barred the state of Alaska from extending benefits to the partners of g*y state employees.  Just because she doesn't believe in g*y marriage doesn't mean she doesn't want equality..

  8. oh get off your high horse,  palin found out her baby had down syndrome and still chose to have the baby! and also, everyone is complaining about gas prices and you all blame the republicans...when they decide to do something you criticize them.....decide what you want

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