
McCain cannot be president?

by Guest21439  |  earlier

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His recent comments about Iran and Iranians is the last straw.

How can we accept such a hostile attitude from a man who isn't even the president yet? I flat out believe the man will bring us down a path even darker tha n Bush has (so far).

Opinions about this?




  1. Well McCain is better than Clinton or Obama.

  2. I would say that he is pretty smart because Iran is our true enemy providing the weapons that are killing Americans in Iraq.

    Their government, the Supreme Leader, and his associates are terrorists.

    The government is run by terrorists.

  3. I thought what he said was hilarious. Iran can simply refuse to import our cigarettes if they don't like our freedom of speech. The USA does not need to change just because some medieval religion doesn't believe in freedom. All the more reason not to elect the pandering and appeasing Barry Obama.

  4. Sure?

    Why not?

    Who say so?

    Being human with human touch?

    Telling little childrten.

    "Smoking is bad for heatlh"

    Look how fit he is after stopping it for more than 8 years.

    What's wrong with that?

    In caring for the little ones out there.

    Luke 8.10-17

    What do you think?

  5. What a person says about another country

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    Is called freedom of speach

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    You don't like what someone says turn them off

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    I do and I don't waist my time listening to any one that I do not agree with

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    What he says is his own business

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    And if he does become president he won't last a year in office before he has to have a note pad next to him of things he is suppose to say cause he keeps forgetting

    .. .. ..

  6. Yeah I think it would be good to have a leader who has high intelligence, diplomacy, common sense, and a world view with regards to decisions.  i guess basically someone very different to the current president.

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