
McCain caved into pressure from his own party and didn't pick several people for VP...?

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simply because they were pro-choice. Is that the kind of strength and character we need in the White House?




  1. wouldn't you have loved it if he picked Lieberman! Good thing McCain picked someone who shares his values and has executive leadership experience.  

  2. Well at least on election night when he finds out that Obama has beat him by a landslide he, Cindy, and Miss Alaska can have a threesome. He should get something for his trouble.  

  3. Absolutely. He gave a bone to the Religious Right and heaven help us if McCain bites the big one.

  4. When you say "strength and character" the first person I think of is Sarah Palin. Case closed.

  5. The problem was finding someone less qualified than he is.

  6. Yes, it is wrong to kill people, little teeny tiny helpless babies have the right to live, they need someone to speak for them, for their rights.

    Obama voted to abort babies, and if they survive the abortion, he voted to let them die anyway.

  7. He was told to pick Romney, but he personally wanted Lieberman. The RNC convention will be interesting.  I'll be waiting for chaos to unfold there, since the Dems disappointed me.

  8. I think Sarah Palin was an inspired choice - no pun intended.  I personally was hoping for Mitt Romney but I'm looking forward to getting to know Sarah Palin.  

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