
McCain does not stand a chance does he?

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The selection of a running mate is among the most consequential and the most defining decisions a presidential nominee can make. John McCain’s pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says a lot about his decision-making — and some of it is downright breathtaking.

We knew McCain is a politician who relishes improvisation and likes to go with his gut. But it is remarkable that someone who has repeatedly emphasized experience in this campaign named an inexperienced governor he barely knew to be his No. 2. Whatever you think of the pick, here are six things it tells us about McCain:

1. He’s desperate. Let’s stop pretending this race is as close as national polling suggests. The truth is McCain is essentially tied or trailing in every swing state that matters — and too close for comfort in several states, such as Indiana and Montana, that the GOP usually wins pretty easily in presidential races. On top of that, voters seem very inclined to elect Democrats in general this election — and very sick of the Bush years.

McCain could easily lose in an electoral landslide. That is the private view of Democrats and Republicans alike.

McCain’s pick shows he is not pretending. Politicians, even “mavericks” like McCain, play it safe when they think they are winning — or see an easy path to winning. They roll the dice only when they know that the risks of conventionality are greater than the risks of boldness.

The Republican brand is a mess. McCain is reasonably concluding that it won’t work to replicate George W. Bush and Karl Rove’s electoral formula, based around national security and a big advantage among Y chromosomes, from 2004.

“She’s a fresh new face in a party that’s dying for one — the antidote to boring white men,” a campaign official said.

Palin, the logic goes, will prompt voters to give McCain a second look — especially women who have watched Democrats reject Hillary Rodham Clinton for Barack Obama.

The risks of a backlash from choosing someone so unknown and so untested are obvious. In one swift stroke, McCain demolished what had been one of his main arguments against Obama.

“I think we’re going to have to examine our tag line, ‘dangerously inexperienced,’” a top McCain official said wryly.

2. He’s willing to gamble — bigtime. Let’s face it: This is not the pick of a self-confident candidate. It is the political equivalent of a trick play or, as some Democrats called it, a Hail Mary pass in football. McCain talks incessantly about experience, and then goes and selects a woman he hardly knows, who hardly knows foreign policy and who can hardly be seen as instantly ready for the presidency.

He is smart enough to know it could work, at least politically. Many Republicans see this pick as a brilliant stroke, because it will be difficult for Democrats to run hard against a woman in the wake of the Hillary Clinton drama. Will this push those disgruntled Hillary voters McCain’s way? Perhaps. But this is hardly aimed at them: It is directed at the huge bloc of independent women who could decide this election — especially those who do not see abortion as a make-or-break issue.

McCain has a history of taking dares. Palin represents his biggest one yet.

3. He’s worried about the political implications of his age. Like a driver overcorrecting out of a swerve, he chooses someone who is two years younger than the youthful Obama and 28 years younger than he is. (He turned 72 on Friday.) The father-daughter comparison was inevitable when they appeared next to each other.

4. He’s not worried about the actuarial implications of his age. He thinks he’s in fine fettle and Palin wouldn’t be performing the only constitutional duty of a vice president, which is standing by in case a president dies or becomes incapacitated. If he were really concerned about an inexperienced person sitting in the Oval Office, we would be writing about vice presidential nominee Mitt Romney or Tom Ridge or Condoleezza Rice.

There is no plausible way McCain could say that he picked Palin, who was only elected governor in 2006 and whose most extended public service was as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (population 8,471), because she was ready to be president on Day One.

Nor can McCain argue that he was looking for someone he could trust as a close adviser. Most people know the staff at the local Starbucks better than McCain knows Palin. They met for the first time last February at a National Governors Association meeting in Washington. Then, they spoke again — by phone — on Sunday while she was at the Alaska state fair and he was at home in Arizona.

McCain has made a mockery out of his campaign's longtime contention that Barack Obama is too dangerously inexperienced to be commander in chief. Now, the Democratic ticket boasts 40 years of national experience (four years for Obama and 36 years for Joe Biden of Delaware), while the Republican ticket has 26 (McCain’s four years in the House and 22 in the Senate




  1. good job on the "copy and paste".  i read this earlier in the news.  McCain will win by a landslide.  this vp pick is genius.

  2. Sarah is the only one that had to make tough government decisions.  McCain has also had to make tough decisions in his life.  Obama's toughest decision is how to score his cocaine without getting caught.  Biden has never had to make the tough decisions the Palins or the McCains have made.  If Biden couldn't get his plan through, like splitting Iraq into three parts, he just moved on.

    The Palin's are living proof the conservative family does work while Obama preaches it doesn't.  Hammering Obama day in and day out like they did with Carter is almost guarenteed that the Republicans will be back strong in 2012 no matter who wins.  The DNC has the Democratic senators slipping and Obama won't be able to save them while president.

  3. That was very long but after reading ,I must agree.

  4. "McCain does not stand a chance does he?"

    I am sad to say: "Yes, he has SOME chance."

    Especially, if an individual rigs the electric voting booths. (its like dealing with the old-mafia: they have 'people' in 'places')

    edit: Wow, 'lightning thumbs'!  The moment my post loaded...

  5. Eat your heart out Obama supporters.  Your man could have had the best ticket going--Obama/Clinton--but his ego wouldn't allow it.  McCain has hit it out of the park with his pick.   ***

  6. McCain is toast  

  7. Yes.

  8. First let me say that most Bush, oh I am sorry McCain backers will not read all of what you have posted.  But he does stand a good chance.  Remember there are allot of people that do not look at the real issues all they see is Color.

  9. To rodeorich49: I truly hope you are not implying that people will only vote for McCain if they are racist because that is just ridiculous! It should have nothing to do with skin color and just because someone votes for McCain doesn't make them a racist!

  10. OMG!!!

    You plagiarized that right out of the Yahoo News article!!!!

    Just like Joe Biden plagiarizing his school papers and Neil Kinnock's speeches and trying to pass them off as his own - until the media caught him.  That's when he had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race in disgrace!!!!

    Or Obama using Deval Patrick's campaign themes and parts of his speeches.  The same ones that David Axelrod uses for ALL his clients.

    People in Massachusetts recognized the stuff right away but they always vote Democrat so didn't care.

    Write your own material.

    There are a lot of factual errors in this piece that you don't want to be responsible for.

    If I was a teacher, I'd give you an F or kick you out of school for cheating.

  11. McCain and Palin will rule this election, bet on it. You candidate is dead in the water. Have you heard a word about Obama since McCain brought Palin in, NO.

  12. sounds like youve spent a lot of time trying to convince yourself he will lose,sounds like the same drivel  i heard about Kerry running away with the election last time

  13. I can answer your question in one word.


  14. Well, nice plagerizing there (you must be a true Biden the plagerizer fan) until the end.  And as for McCain's chances, they are great that he'll be our next president.  For those who believe he'll die from old age...His own mother is still alive.  As for experience regarding Palin, if you actually study your history and the Vice Presidents that had to take office after the death of the President, they have had to work with the advisors of the late president and in reality, learned from those advisors no matter how experienced they were in politics prior to their moving from Vice President to President.  As for getting things done, if you've EVER worked for the Congress or the President you will have learned quickly who really runs the country, and it is never the people that are elected.

  15. im votin for mccain

  16. You think you have all the answers but yes John McCain has a better chance than the Democrat candidate because that man does not have the experience, knowledge and and maturity for that office.  It's been proved  that Obama does not have the experience to be president and Palin is more experienced by being governor than the nearly 150 days that the Jr. Senator has served.

  17. Quit drinking the kool-Aid!

  18. I hope you're right.  My biggest fear is that Republican dirty tricks may be too big of a challenge for Democrats, who long to keep the focus on issues.  In the fear and smear department, us Democrats have always been the losers.

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