
McCain doesn't know how many homes he owns, does Obama know how many buildings William Ayers blew up?

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  1. I'm going to ditto Sam f's statement.  You guys have a cow every time someone links to HuffPo and the NRO is a con rag if there ever was one.  This "editorial" reads like a smear loaded with innuendo, accusations but lite on the facts.

  2. Probably, but if he ever answered the question he'd 'change' his answer depending on who and what day it was asked.

  3. Perhaps a better question would be if Obama has learned how many states there are in the union.

    Don C - you really need to check your history regarding the Vietnam War and the Republicans.  Our involvement in the war was started by John Kennedy in 1961, escalated to its highest levels under the Johnson Administration.  Both of these presidents were Democrats.  

    Nixon, a Republican, was elected in 1968 and took office in January of 1969.  

    In May of 1969, the debacle at "Hamburger Hill" claimed 40 American lives and produced another 400 casualties; after such a high cost the hill was nonetheless abandoned.  There was a huge political outcry in the US, and Nixon almost immediately began withdrawing troops and reducing draft rolls.  He sought several diplomatic solutions to the war, including sending Kissinger to Paris to try to negotiate a settlement with representatives from Hanoi.  

    In July, 1969, after having been in office six months, he withdrew 800 men.  In September, he ordered the withdrawal of another 35,000.  In October, a poll showed that 71% of Americans approved of his Vietnam policy.

    The timeline continues - Nixon resigned in disgrace in 1973 and Gerald Ford, also a Republican, became president.  He continued to withdraw troops until our presence there was practically nothing; the NVA took over and declared victory

    I am not sure where you got the idea that the Vietnam war was the result of Republican war-mongers, but you should really read your history before you rant.  Nixon inherited an absolute mess from his Democrat predecessors; he made some grave mistakes and did some very good things also.  The bottom line is that it was the Democrats who got us into the war, it was the Republicans who got us out.  

    You can despise war and argue against it, you can certainly find a lot about Nixon to hate, but this time around its not GOP=WRONG AGAIN, it's DON C=WRONG


  4. Good point. It is obvious that he has much more than a loose association with the creep.

  5. He'll have to make a phone call and get back to you..

  6. Did Bush have him arrested under the Patriot Act?  

  7. Do YOU know that?

    why would Obama know anything about someone he has just, superficially on a casual basis been acquainted with...

    i know that everyone says "OH, but he bought a house with his help"

    but, i bought a house 2 years know how many times i've spoken with my real estate agent since you know how many times i've talked with my mortgage company?   OH...and the guy who did the home inspection... ZERO...

    so, I really don't understand this point.

    ALSO... we don't link to Huffingtonpost or Move, to prove our points...   so, please, give us a break and don't link to your version of those... NRO...

    EDIT: you're right, my bad.  I often confuse Obama's "damning" casual acquaintences...   Ayers served on a panel for a charity which Obama also served...  i mean WHY ISN'T OBAMA LOCKED UP IN JAIL ?   He served on the board of a charity! AND SO DID AYERS!!! ....    

    ...  ....   these are pathetic attempts to link Obama to dirt when there is no link.

  8. Hate to tell ya (even though I detest any means of violence to proove a point)


    If Ayers and the protesters of the Vietnam War didnt' do what they did,the Vietnam war would STILL be going on, because thats what the Republicans of those days wanted!

    They were telling the world that  "if we fail in NAM, the rest of that part of the world will fall like Domino's

    Of course we KNOW that was total bull sold to the public by a war loving G O P

    Vietnam has turned into a great country a favored trading partner and NONE of the countries around it fell like a domino

    as a matter of fact, the neo-cons rushed in right away to make more profit off that country as soon as it opened up to free trade.


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