
McCain got Palin because she's a female? ?

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I think McCain got Palin as a running mate to get some of Hillary's voters/supporters....But we all know Palin is nothing like Hillary. The question is....Do some Hillary supporters know the different and won't just look at the "female side" of the two?




  1. Yes all hillary supporters who arent feminist n***s can plainly see the difference in policy and will not vote for palin just because she is a woman. that is not to say that some feminists may do this and mccain may have taken that into consideration

  2. Here is the thing. Mcain had two women he could have chosen as his runing mate. For educated voters, they know he didn't pick her just because she is a women, cause he had two to chose from. And to answer your question, some "uneducated" voters will definetly shift. But most of Hillary's voters were democrats, and seeing how Hillary supported Obama deffinetly will make many Hillary fans stay with Obama. Though her acceptence speech was phenominal. So I guess most will stay with Obama, but some will deffenitly move over to Mcain.

  3. YES you are correct. i think people that are truly smart enough know the BIG difference

  4. OMG, really?!?! No way?

    News flash hunny, everyone already saw that!

  5. yes he did. her under-qualifications are shadowed by her gender.

    and i hope hillary fans realize it...!

  6. Yes, I see what you see, and you are right on the money!!

  7. That was what he going for. But the only thing that Palin and Hillary have in common is a uterus.

  8. oh i totally think she got in with him cause shes a chick. thats exactly what hes looking for the "feminists" because shes a chick, finally in office[maybs] and is obviously for womans rights.

    obviously not any woman that considers her self a feminist would support her though...shes against abortion. that doesn't help with womans rights.

  9. It's a chess game. McCain has a queen on his ticket and Obama choose not to have a queen on his ticket...let's see who wins. The Democratic party f****** up.

  10. Thats right she is a female. heres a cookie.

  11. Well now Palin is nothing like Hillary but what's really Hillary like? I for see the Nobel Prize for whoever finds that out...

    Marisa Bojiuc

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