
McCain has a dodgy ticker; so he chooses a woman with 2 years experience as a Govenor. Is that spooky or what?

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McCain has a dodgy ticker; so he chooses a woman with 2 years experience as a Govenor. Is that spooky or what?




  1. YES - real spooky.  This just highlights his old age - she is NOT Presidential material if something happens to McSame we would be in BIG trouble.

    The man needs a checkup from the neck up!!

  2. Better 2 year gov than a No experience Obama

  3. What do you know that McCain's doctors don't?

    He has released his medical records to the public...There's absolutely nothing wrong with his heart, and he's in perfect health...Perhaps it's your fact-finding skills that are "dodgy"

    Here are some more facts for you:

    Politically, Palin is the first woman governor of Alaska, the first person to serve as governor that was born after Alaska was granted statehood, was mayor and served on city council.

    She has traveled overseas, more times than Obama, to visit wounded soldiers and one of her sons is set to be deployed to Iraq in September.

    Palin’s accomplishments in Alaska dwarf Obama’s time in the Senate. She has killed pork barrel projects including the Bridge to Nowhere and passed ethics reform in Alaska that effectively ended the political career of many Republicans. She passed a constitutional ban on g*y marriage but signed into law benefits for homosexual couples. And unlike the current Senate, has passed a budget in the amount of $6.6 billion that included several hundred cuts in wasteful programs totaling over $200 million.

    Palin's popularity soared above 80% as she shelved pork-barrel projects by fellow Republicans and jump-started a campaign by her lieutenant governor, Sean Parnell, to unseat veteran U.S. Rep. Don Young of Alaska.

    Ms. Palin has shown similar boldness in going after Big Oil, whose money has long dominated the state and helped fund its Republican machine. In a snub to the oil majors, she has proposed TransCanada Corp., a Calgary energy company, be given the primary contract to lead the $30 billion job to build a natural-gas pipeline from Alaska's North Slope.

    "Palin has accomplished a feat which has eluded the U.S. Congress for many years. She has pushed through the Alaska legislature a natural gas pipeline project which will bring new supply and price relief to the lower 48:

    On Aug. 1, the same day the call for a vote on drilling began on the House floor, the Alaska state Senate approved a package of measures to license a new natural gas pipeline. House Bill 3001 lets Palin award the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act license to TransCanada Alaska, a pipeline builder that cast a winning bid of five.

    The legislature had been trying for 30 years to authorize something like this and, up until now, had blown it. Palin got it through. Getting it off the ground, the state says, will be the biggest construction project in U.S. history.

    Palin considers the $26 billion project her biggest accomplishment as governor. "It was not easy," she told IBD. "Alaska has been hoping and dreaming for a natural gas pipeline for decades. What it took was getting off the dime and creating a competitive market in Alaska."

    The 1,715-mile gas line would stretch from Alaska's North Slope to Fairbanks and down to Alberta, Canada. Then it would take existing gas lines to Idaho. In 10 years, Palin says, the lower 48 states would receive 4.5 million cubic feet of natural gas a day. By 2030, according to Energy Department estimates, Alaska's annual natgas production would quintuple to 2 trillion cubic feet."

    There's more, but I think you may be getting the point.

  4. 2 years of experience. Obama has how many years of EXECUTIVE experience.

  5. So are you expecting McCain to kick the bucket on January 1st? 2 years as governor is like 2 years of college education in "How to be a President." And Palin has been passing her classes with high marks. Whatever she needs to learn about THE presidency, she'll have time to learn. I don't see McCain kicking off any time soon.

  6. She also was a mayor; Former Chairman, Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

    And is currently the gov. of Alaska.

    Much more experience than Obama!

    Being a governor prepares you better than being a senator.    

  7. She was a mayor to and Obama has like no exp at all ethier the one with the most exp is John McCain McCain made a great vp pick it was his choice who he picked not many people like biden I was for Hillary

  8. So now to you Obama supporters experience is now an issue?

    BTW- 2 years as a gov is more experience than Obama has

    The audacity of hypocrisy

    You people always make it clear why your party mascot is a jackass

  9. In answer to honeybee: I it means just the opposite. If McCain weren't worried, Palin wouldn't have even been considered.

  10. Sounds like the liberals are worried

  11. His heart is fine. He had skin cancer but is all clear now. I'm sure he can last another four years.  

  12. Not as spooky as electing a President who has no experience

  13. Actually McCain has been cleared by many many doctors as having perfectly good health.  And his VP pick has more experience than your Presidential candidate, that's much scarier and hypocritical that now all of the sudden experience matters to you people.  It's so stupid is laughable or at least it would be if you weren't serious.

  14. She has more then 2 years experience thank you she has more then Obama has.

    Read and weep

    Before becoming governor, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, City Council from 1992 to 1996, was elected and re-elected mayor of Wasilla for two three-year terms in 1996 and 1999.

  15. Paul Simon said it best:  

    Slip slidin' away

    Slip slidin' away

    You know the nearer your destination

    The more you're slip slidin' away.

    Sucks to be your side Kool Aid drinkers!

  16. You're voting for the biggest Empty Suit on the planet.  You do know she was a 2 term mayor and now governor.  She has executive experience.  Obama has hope,change.  LOL!  And he picks a Washington insider.  A good old boy.  You've been bamboozled.

  17. Leave him alone! McGeezer just thinks he can score some fresh meat before being hospitalized for dementia and alzheimers!

  18. Spooky is'nt even the word, im scared as $#1t. You gonna try to tell me that this politics c**p is a lot crazier than I thought. Who would actually advise him to pick this woman whom is under investigation for getting caught up in her sisters domestic doings and has less experience than obama. The R whole campaign mud slangin' is " Obama is not experienced enough.He is too new." COME ON WTF????!!!! Who is really controling this c**p??!! Mccanis old *** is going to die and leave thjis lady as President if he gets in office.           WTF???!!

  19. She's got more experience then the liberal candidate; are you all shakin in your boots?

    Look whose talking about Presidential material; Obama is NOT Presidential material at all.  He might be the head of a terrorist group and that's about it.

  20. He only wants to get elected.  He doesnt care about anything other than that.  He calculated that a hot young woman would get him more woman and hollywood-minded votes, and young male votes.

    His puppeteers had him drone on and on about how Obama is more hollywood less statesman.  and he doesnt have enough experience to run this country.

    I think he knows that Americans are too dumb to think he is being hypocritical.  and just saying/doing whatever it takes to have his puppeteers keep control of america's checkbook.

    Saudi Arabia got Bush to merc out the American military for a couple hundred million.  Georgia has been making payments to McCain.  The American public gets to foot the trillions.  but hey.  its only money.

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