
McCain has a trophy VP and trophy wife..?

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it just keeps getting better and better for Obama !...lmfao.




  1. Some have asked whether McCain is the father of Sarah's latest baby.  McCain has yet to address these questions.  Does he have something to hide?

  2. Steve, could you get any more shallow?

  3. Why are you so concerned about looks. Do you fancy them?

  4. MCain is over the hill and he needs all the help he can get.

  5. yep

  6. I personally love McCain's choice in women. A young attractive, intelligent and conservative running mate and an attractive, well proportioned, beer distributing, multimillionaire wife. We should all be so lucky.

    Obama is stuck with Michelle, a racist, America hating, angry wife and Biden an old white guy that he has little in common with.

    I wouldn't call that "better for Obama".

  7. Since when does addiction to prescription drugs earn you a trophy.  Sara needs to make sure her kid's get those soccer trophies and earn a little more experience.

  8. I can smell your fear.

  9. But wouldn't Biden be a trophy VP for all the g**s that will vote for Obama? And I'm sorry that Obama doesn't have a trophy ape, oops, I mean wife...can you say Cornelius? Huuuuuman, lol!

  10. Palin is the real deal.. Obama is done!

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